District of Victoria Western

District Administration:

The District is administered by a District Commander, who is assisted by a District Recorder:

District Commander : V∴Ill∴ Bro. MG (Max) Poyser, 33°

District Recorder : Em∴ Bro. GSL (Glenn) Hollibone, JP, 32° OM

Click here for lists of District Officers.

The District is comprised of the following Council and Chapters, and by clicking a highlighted name you will be directed to further information about each:

Sovereign Council of Grand Elect Knights Kadosh 30°:

Australia Felix Sovereign Council KH, no.30 (consecrated 28 November 1987)

meeting on 5th Wednesday (Installation - last meeting of year) at Ardeer

Major Mitchell Sovereign Council KH, no.40 (established 6 November 1989)

meeting on 5th Monday (I - last meeting) at Cohuna

Melbourne Sovereign Council KH, no.62 (consecrated 23 November 1996)

meeting on 4th Monday in March, May, September and November (I) at Preston

Sovereign Chapters Rose Croix 18°:

Metropolitan Sovereign Chapter Rose Croix, no.1 (consecrated 3 April 1858)

meeting on 3rd Monday in March, May (E), September and November at Preston

Kerang Sovereign Chapter Rose Croix, no.15 (established 31 October 1929)

meeting on 3rd Saturday in February, April (E), June and October at Cohuna

Royal Moira Sovereign Chapter Rose Croix, no.18 (consecrated 31 October 1931)

meeting on 2nd Saturday in February, May, September and November (E) at Shepparton

Avalon Sovereign Chapter Rose Croix, no.92 (consecrated 24 August 1957)

meeting on 3rd Wednesday in February, April, August (E) and November at Belmont

Central Goldfields Sovereign Chapter Rose Croix, no.129 (established 30 August 1963)

meeting on 1st Saturday in February, June, October (E) and December at Maryborough

Wimmera Sovereign Chapter Rose Croix, no.146 (established 5 November 1966)

meeting on 4th Thursday in February, May and August and November (E) at Horsham

Sunshine Sovereign Chapter Rose Croix, no.152 (consecrated 28 July 1967)

meeting on 4th Friday in March, May, September (E) and November at Ardeer

Colac Sovereign Chapter Rose Croix, no.181 (consecrated 27 March 1976)

meeting on 3rd Tuesday in March (E), May, September and November at Colac.