Region 3

Region 3 under the Supreme Council for Australia comprises the various 18° Sovereign Chapters, 30° Sovereign Councils, along with the 32° Grand Consistory, that meet across Victoria and the Riverina of New South Wales.

Historical Notes :  The Chapters include the oldest Chapter warranted by the Supreme Council for England beyond its shores: Metropolitan Chapter no.11 (now no.1 under the Supreme Council for Australia) was warranted in 1858, to meet in Melbourne, Victoria. The Region, thus, has a long and illustrious pedigree. Click here for precis of the history of the AASR within South-eastern Australia, including Region 3.

Regional Administration:

This Region is administered by a Regional Commander, supported by several District Commanders and a Regional Recorder.

Regional Commander : M∴Ill∴ Bro. Michael J Hyland, 33°

Regional Recorder : V∴Ill∴ Bro. Chris Wallace, 33°

Click here to see a fuller list of the Regional Commanders who have served this Region.

Districts with the Region:

There are currently 20 Chapters and 6 Councils arranged across four Districts and one additional Grand Consistory within the Region. Click on the District names underneath, or the map above, for details of these Chapters and Councils, along with the District administration.

District of Victoria Eastern

District of Victoria Western

District of NSW Riverina

Current District Commanders:

V∴Ill∴ Bro. Ian R Alexander, 33° (NSW Riverina)

V∴Ill∴ Bro. MG (Max) Poyser, 33° (Victoria Western)

V∴Ill∴ Bro. PJ (Peter) Milne, 33° (Victoria Eastern)

Click here to see a fuller list of District Commanders, present and past, from across this Region.

Regional Dignitaries:

Region 3 also enjoys the support of the following Past Members of Supreme Council, other members of the 33°, and Knights Commander of the Order of Merit (KCM):

Click here to see a list of current and former brethren from this Region who have served on Supreme Council. 

Past Members of Supreme Council :

M∴Ill∴ Bro. TT (Terry) Hodges, JP, 33°

M∴Ill∴ Bro. Garry L Mauger, 33°

M∴P∴ Bro. Prof. Em. W (Bill) Thompson, 33°

Other 33° within Region:

V∴Ill∴ Bro. GL (Geoff) Amos, 33°

V∴Ill∴ Bro. Walter P Burston, 33°

V∴Ill∴ Bro. JWC (Jeff) Cripps, 33°

V∴Ill∴ Bro. SR (Stan) Edelston, 33°

V∴Ill∴ Bro. AL (Alf) Green, 33°

V∴Ill∴ Bro. Barry W Lewis, JP, 33°

V∴Ill∴ Bro. Kevin T McCarthy, 33°

V∴Ill∴ Bro. Allan D McIntyre, 33°

V∴Ill∴ Bro. Neil C Macartney, 33°

V∴Ill∴ Bro. SJ (Steve) Ruglen, 33°

V∴Ill∴ Bro. Peter L Simpson, 33°

     V∴Ill∴ Bro. Dr CS (Chris) Wallace, 33°

V∴Ill∴ Bro. Peter L West, 33°

Knights Commander of Merit:

V∴Em∴ Bro. EJW (Ted) Gibbs, 32°, KCM (2001)

V∴Em∴ Bro. GDC (David) King, 32°, KCM (2007)

V∴Em∴ Bro. RS (Ray) Phillips, 32°, KCM (2010)

V∴Em∴ Bro. TJ (Terry) Reed, JP, 32°, KCM (2013)

V∴Em∴ Bro. KG (Ken) Halliwell, 32°, KCM (2019)

V∴Em∴ Bro. JW (John) Hann, 32°, KCM (2022)

Grand Consistory:

There is one Grand Consistory meeting within Region 3 - Southern Cross Grand Consistory n3, which administers the 32° and 31° of the Rite within the Region.

Chapter of Improvement:

The Region hosts the Southern Cross Chapter of Improvement, which exemplifies the intermediate degrees of the Rite 4°-17° and 19°-29°. The Chapter of Improvement is also permitted to exemplify the rituals of the 1°-3° (in traditional form) and 18° (in modern and traditional forms) and the enthronement ceremony for a Sovereign of a Rose Croix Chapter, for the instruction of the brethren. 

Dates and details of these meetings can be found on the calendar page.

Former Chapters within the Region:

A number of Sovereign Chapters and Councils previously met within this Region and their warrants have been returned to Supreme Council. Click here to see details of these Chapters and Councils.

Other Orders and Degrees within the Region:

The AASR is one of a number of Orders and degrees working within this Region as the attached booklet indicates. Click here to see details of these other bodies.

Concordat with UGLV:

The AASR signed a concordat with the UGL of Victoria in March 2021. Click here for a copy of the concordat (259KB)