
The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite ('the Rite') is the largest body of Freemasons in the world working under a common constitution, the 'Grand Constitutions of 1786', which is subscribed to by all recognised Supreme Councils throughout the world. Click here to download a PDF copy (41KB) of an English translation of the 1786 Grand Constitutions.

While the Craft degrees are acknowledged to be the foundation stone of all Freemasonry, the instruction given in the Craft degrees is, however, seldom fully grasped by the candidate. He needs further instruction and enlightenment to understand the great truths which Freemasonry possesses and teaches. The Craft degrees are but the wonderful entrance to the great Temple of Freemasonry. He who would seek more light, more knowledge of the mission and symbolism of Freemasonry, a more complete interpretation of the teachings of the Craft degrees, as well as acceptance into a very special fellowship and Brotherhood, can obtain these within this Rite.

The Rite is, thus, broadly appealing to Master Masons of good character who are interested in developing their Masonic knowledge and their circle of Masonic friendships. If this is you, then you can be sure of a hearty welcome within a Chapter of the Rite.


The Supreme Council for Australia, which is the sovereign authority for the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Australia, is led by a Sovereign Grand Commander, who is supported by the Officers of Supreme Council (the 'Tableau'), comprising the Regional Commanders and the Grand Secretary General. The Sovereign Chapters, Sovereign Councils and Grand Consistories, which are the regular working bodies of the Rite, are aggregated into Districts led by a District Commander, and these into Regions led by a Regional Commander.


The 33 degrees of the Rite administered under the Supreme Council for Australia are (click down-arrows for more details):

Rose Croix Chapter Degrees

1° Entered Apprentice (not worked within this Supreme Council)

2° Fellow Craft (not worked within this Supreme Council)

3° Master Mason (not worked within this Supreme Council)

4° Secret Master

5° Perfect Master

6° Intimate Secretary

7° Provost and Judge

8° Superintendent of the Building

9° Elect of Nine

10° Elect of Fifteen

11° Sublime Elect

12° Grand Master Architect

13° Royal Arch of Enoch

14° Grand Elect, Perfect and Sublime Master

15° Knight of the Sword

16° Prince of Jerusalem

17° Knight of the East and West

18° Knight of the Pelican and Eagle, Sovereign Prince Rose Croix of H.R.D.M.

Knight Kadosh Council Degrees

19° Grand Pontiff

20° Venerable Grand Master

21° Patriarch Noachite

22° Prince of Libanus

23° Chief of the Tabernacle

24° Prince of the Tabernacle

25° Knight of the Brazen Serpent

26° Prince of Mercy

27° Commander of the Temple

28° Knight of the Sun

29° Knight of St Andrew

30° Grand Elect Knight Kadosh, Knight of the Black and White Eagle

Higher Degrees

31° Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander (Sovereign Tribunal)

32° Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret (Grand Consistory)

33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General (Supreme Council)

These degrees are organised into three main groupings (note: 1°-3° are not worked under the Supreme Council for Australia, being ceded to the authority of the Craft Grand Lodges):

  • Rose Croix Chapters: 4°-18° are the responsibility of the Chapters;

  • Knight Kadosh Councils: 19°-30° are the responsibility of the Councils;

  • Higher Degrees: 31°-32° are the responsibility of the Regions, with the ceremonial conducted in a 31° Sovereign Tribunal or 32° Grand Consistory, as required; while the 33° is the sole responsibility of the Supreme Council.

Members under the Supreme Council for Australia can apply after three years, if attentive to their 18° Chapter duties, to progress to membership of a 30° Council. After further similar periods of active service to the Rite, brethren can hope to be invited to further advance: first to the 31° and then, in due course, to the 32°. Progress to the 33° is strictly limited and cannot be solicited.

For more information on the degrees, you might view the online (Prezi) presentation on the Rite (Note: will open a new browser window/tab to run): https://prezi.com/view/i4qvXaz5QIwBROmucbtg/


The Rite draws membership only from the Masonic Fraternity. All candidates for the Rite under the Supreme Council for Australia must be Master Masons of a Craft Lodge under a constitution recognised by an Australian Grand Lodge or otherwise approved by the Supreme Council. All members under this Supreme Council must maintain membership of their Craft Lodge to continue membership of the Rite.

The Supreme Council for Australia now has two parallel streams of membership - the traditional stream, which requires candidates to profess a belief in the Christian Trinity; the other stream is open to brethren of all faiths, with the 18° ceremonial being modified within the 'open' stream.

If you are interested in membership of our Rite, click here.

Spread of the Rite:

The Supreme Council for Australia has eight Regions, with Districts, Chapters and Councils throughout Australia. Click here for a brief history that outlines the development of the Rite to the point of creation of the Supreme Council for Australia.

Fraternal Relations:

The Supreme Council for Australia has, since its erection in 1985, enjoyed close fraternal relations with many other jurisdictions around the world, including the Supreme Council for Scotland, which also has Provinces, Districts, Chapters and Councils in Australia: principally in Victoria and New South Wales. Inter-visitation is warmly encouraged.


Brethren wear regalia appropriate to their rank within the Rite: either a collar with suspended jewel, or a sash. Members of the 33° also wear a cap, while members (present and past) of Supreme Council wear collars appropriate to their status. Other jewels may be worn to indicate the brother's receipt of one of the honours of the Supreme Council for Australia, or in acknowledgement as having served as Sovereign of an 18° Chapter or Grand Commander of a 30° Council.

Click here for a PDF image (502KB) of the 2021 approved Australian regalia (18°-32°).


The Supreme Council for Australia has a series of honours to reward its brethren for meritorious service rendered to the Rite. There are four awards available: Meritorious Service Award (MSA), Order of Merit (OM), Companion of the Order of Merit (CM), and the highest award, the Knight Commander of the Order of Merit (KCM). There are very few brethren awarded these honours and each is highly prized. Click here for a PDF (600KB) explanation of the Order of Merit jewels.