Program AASP-TPS 2022

Cronograma AASP-TPS 2022

Important information / Información importante

  • The program is in COL time/ El programa esta en tiempo colombiano.

  • Considering the hybrid format of this meeting, all talks will be presented in the auditorium and transmitted on zoom.

  • Link zooms are included in the abstracts pages for oral and poster presentations



NOTE/NOTA: The program is in COL time/ El programa esta en COL time.

August/Agosto 6

Pre-meeting events / Eventos pre-congreso


Workshop: Introduction to Stratigraphic Data Analysis in R (SDAR), a Quantitative Toolkit to Analyze Stratigraphic Data

Format: Online

Curso corto: Introducción al análisis de datos estratigráficos en R (SDAR), una herramienta cuantitativa para analizar datos estratigráficos

Formato: Virtual

August/Agosto 7

Pre-meeting events / Eventos pre-congreso


Field trip: Nevado del Ruiz volcano and Laguna Negra (Quaternary)

Salida de campo: Volcán Nevado del Ruiz y Laguna Negra (Cuaternario)


Workshop: Palynostratigraphy

Format: Online and in-person

Curso corto: Palinoestratigrafía

Formato: Virtual y presencial


AASP - The Palynological Society Outgoing Board Meeting

Reunión de la junta saliente de la AASP - The Palynological Society

August/Agosto 8


Registration / Registro

Morning Session / Sesión de la mañana


Opening / Apertura. Niall Paterson


Key talk - Pardo. The multidisciplinary research projects realized at IIES, including palynology, to solve geologic problems.

Format: In-person




Dueñas. Palynological assemblages from the Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic. Lower Llanos basin. Colombia.

Format: In-person

Strother. A new hypothesis proposing a protonematal origin to plant conducting tissue.

Format: In-person

Ball et al. Floral diversity, disparity and ecological turnover at the Siluro- Devonian boundary: palynological evidence from the Anglo-Welsh Basin, UK.

Format: In-person


Morning Break / Receso de la mañana





Wellman et al. A palynological investigation of the Devonian sequence of Northern Spain.

Format: In-person

Kondas and Filipiak. The Late Givetian palynology of the south-central Poland.

Format: In-person

Stephenson. The Permian of Israel and Jordan and the antiquity of the Dead Sea Fault.

Format: In-person

Wheeler et al. Palynology of the Wolfang Basin: implications for floral composition, climate and environment.

Format: Online



Afternoon Session / Sesión de la tarde


Stephenson. Problems and challenges for Permian palynostratigraphy: a global review.

Format: In-person


Key Talk - di Pasquo. Can fluorescence be helpful to discriminate between indigenous taxa of Carboniferous age from those reworked of Mid-Upper Devonian rocks?

Format: In-person



Gualteros. Approach to the morphology of spores of the genus Sphagnum in high Andean forests.

Format: Online

Aragón-Moreno. Stingless bee Melipona beecheii food storage in suburban areas: when pollen type matter.

Format: In-person


Afternoon Break / Receso de la tarde





Francois et al. The UPLA pollen reference collection. Achievements and challenges.

Format: Online

Stukins et al. Preliminary observations and implications of a new Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) lagerstätte in Wiltshire, UK. With a focus on the palynology, micropalaeontology and geochemistry.

Format: In-person

Ellefson et al. The Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous in the Richardson Mountains (Northwest Territories, Canada): palynostratigraphy and palynological insights on the tectono-stratigraphic architecture of the Canadian Arctic mainland.

Format: In-person

Walley et al. Palynological insights from the Early Jurassic of Lyme Regis, UK.

Format: Online


Poster Session / Sesión de pósters

  1. Ball et al. Defining the Siluro-Devonian boundary in the Lower ‘Old Red Sandstone’, U.K. with a preliminary spore biozone.

  2. Daners et al. Early Devonian palynomorphs from the Cerrezuelo Formation, Norte Basin, Uruguay.

  3. Ellefson et al. The impact of land plants on Earth systems: a palynological, palaeobotanical, and geochemical perspective.

4. Kondas & Filipiak. Palynology of the Lower Devonian (upper Emsian) of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland.

5. di Pasquo et al. Palynologic study of trace fossil assemblages from glaciogenic rhythmites at Melo region, northeastern Uruguay: biostratigraphical and paleoenvironmental approaches.

6. Ghilini et al. Project for the evaluation of the genetic variability of Butia yatay in the grassland-palm ecosystem of the El Palmar National Park (Colón, Entre Ríos) and its adaptation to the climatic phenomenon ENSO in the Late Holocene.

7. Ramírez-Arriaga et al. Melisopalynological analysis of honey samples from different types of vegetation and cultivated areas in Veracruz, Mexico.

8. Navarro-Rodríguez et al. Palynological assemblage recovered from Apis mellifera honeys produced in Santa María Colotepec, Oaxaca coast, Mexico.

9. González et al. Palynological, physical and chemical characterization of fresh bee pollen from different geographical areas of Chile.

10. Torres-Meza et al. Palynological characterization of the tropical dry forest of northern Bolivar department, Colombia.

11. Torres-Meza et al. Pollen spectrum of honey and pollen pots of 5 species of bees from the municipality of San Jacinto, Bolívar-Colombia.

12. Gibson & Benison. The palynology of Mars analog acid saline lakes.

13. Martínez-Murcia et al. Palynology is now digital. Neotropical pollen collection is the first stage of a new era.

14. Heydenrych et al. Biostratigraphy and palynology of Triassic sediments, Norwegian North Sea.

15. Card et al. An integrated palynology and heavy mineral based correlation scheme for the Triassic Skagerrak Formation, Central North Sea, U.K.


Welcome Happy Hour / Happy Hour de Bienvenida

August/Agosto 9


Registration / Registro

Morning Session / Sesión de la mañana



Talk ANH

Format: In-person

Stephenson. Palynology and outcrop analogue studies for reducing uncertainty of reservoir heterogeneity in carbon capture and storage.

Format: In-person


Key Talk - Jaramillo. Digital Palynology.

Format: In-person




O'Keefe. Melissopalynology without acetolysis: the pros and cons of enzymatic and KOH-based processing techniques

Format: In-person

Paredes and Bryant. Pollen analysis of honey from the Peruvian Amazon.

Format: Online

Warny. Pollination ecology and effect of invasive species Elaeagnus angustifolia on honey bee foraging behavior.

Format: In-person


Morning Break / Receso de la mañana





Torres and Mapes. Paleodrainage Evolution of Northern South America and its Impact on Exploration Success in the Guyana Basin

Soares et al. Contribution to the pollen morphology in Bauhinia L. and Schnella Raddi species (Cercidoideae, Fabaceae) from forest patches in Southeastern Brazil.

Format: Online

Adkin and Zavada. Monitoring Air quality in the Permian Basin during Covid-19 and West Texas drought.

Format: In-person

Lorente. Palynology in O&G Industry Venezuela, 1938 -2000.

Format: Online



Afternoon Session / Sesión de la tarde


Nuñez Otaño. Preliminary analysis of non-pollen palynomorphs: An experimental research work with forensic implications (La Picada, Entre Ríos, Argentina).

Format: Online


Key Talk - Carvalho. Cretaceous-Eocene dinoflagellate blooms of the James Ross Basin, Antarctic Peninsula.

Format: In-person



Gravendyck et al. Early angiosperms – how far can we reliably go back in the pollen record?

Format: In-person

Paez-Reyes et al. Acme zones of dinoflagellate cysts in the Cretaceous of Colombia: A harmful algal bloom for every occasion?



Afternoon Break / Receso de la tarde





Sanchez Botero et al. Cretaceous palynostratigraphy in the Caguán-Putumayo Basin, Colombia: an example of data integration in hydrocarbon exploration.

Format: In-person

Samant. Aquatic and semiaquatic lacustrine flora from Late Cretaceous-Early Paleocene Deccan volcanic associated sedimentary beds: implications in assessing Paleoclimate and depositional environment.

Format: Online

Nuñez-Otaño et al. Testing deep-time fungi and algae as proxies in palaeoecological analysis: A case study of a Maastrichtian flora from Patagonia, Argentina.

Format: Online

Korasidis et al. Reworked pollen reduces apparent floral change during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum.

Format: Online


Poster Session / Sesión de pósters

  1. Correia et al. Early Cretaceous palynology of the Scotian Margin (Atlantic Canada).

  2. Santos et al. Aptian palynoflora of the Cerro Negro Formation, Snow Island, AnAntarctictartic Peninsula.

  3. Santos et al. Evidence of a Pre-Albian Equatorial Humid Belt in the Southern Hemisphere.

  4. Narváez et al. Volkheimerites labyrinthus, a new striate angiosperm pollen from the Paleogene of Patagonia, Argentina.

  5. Ramírez-Arriaga et al. Late Oligocene plant communities (San Gregorio Formation) in Baja California Sur, Mexico.

  6. Nordstrom et al. Terrestrial palynomorph diversity within the deepwater Wilcox Group, Alaminos Canyon, Gulf of Mexico.

  7. Boler et al. Stones Field well WR 508 #1, Gulf of Mexico palynology: a Momipites-dominated environment for this deepwater Wilcox Group.

  8. Sousa & Gasparino. Previous pollen data of Ornamental Brazilian Plants.

  9. Bellonzi & Gasparino. Preliminary qualitative pollen grains data from the clade “Paradrymonia alliance” and Nautilocalyx Linden ex Hanst. (Gesneriaceae).

  10. Souza et al. Palynotaxonomy in species of Trichosporeae (Didymocarpoideae, Gesneriaceae).

  11. Dutra et al. Pollen morphology in Dryades Groppo, Kallunki & Pirani, a new genera of Rutaceae, and related species.

  12. Costa et al. Data analysis of pollen rain and atmospheric transport: study of the pattern for the Fontes do Ipiranga State Park, SP.

  13. Andrade & Gasparino. Pollen morphology in ornamental species of the genera Aeschynanthus, Columnea, Nematanthus, Sinningia and Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae).

  14. Lopes & Gasparino. Palynotaxonomy of Columnea L. (Gesneriaceae).

  15. Pereira et al. Modern Pollen rain at different altimetric levels in seasonal extremes of the southern portion of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil: evaluation and proposal of a dispersion model.


Happy Hour


Early Career Night / Noche de socialización estudiantes y recién graduados

August/Agosto 10


Registration / Registro

Morning Session / Sesión de la mañana


Taiwo and Jolley. Lake chemistry variation in the Lockichar and Kerio Valley Basins, Kenya.

Format: In-person


Key Talk - Helenes. Response of Recent to Late Cenozoic Subtropical and Tropical Dinoflagellate Assemblages to Climatic/Oceanographic Changes.

Format: Online





Torricelli et al. Paleoclimatic and depositional controls on the palynostratigraphy of the Malembo Formation (Oligocene-lower Miocene, offshore Angola).

Format: In-person

Plata et al. Maastrichtian to Neogene Palynology from the Colombian Caribbean (Sinú-San Jacinto and Cesar Ranchería basins).

Format: In-person

O'Keefe et al. Apocalypse past: coastal fungal assemblages following warming events

Format: In-person

Gibson et al. A globally wetter Middle Miocene with a narrower intertropical convergence zone.

Format: Online


Morning Break / Receso de la mañana


Key Talk - Hooghiemstra. Colombia’s amazing Quaternary History: Climate, Flora, Páramos and Man

Format: Online




Rodriguez-Zorro et al. Early Pleistocene Atlantic Forest dynamics in southeastern Brazil.

Format: In-person

Tadoumant et al. Climate history of southwest Morocco: Impacts on vegetation.

Format: Online

Smith et al. Holocene palynological records of hydroclimate variability in the southeastern United States.

Format: Online

12:10-13:40 COL



Mentorship Luncheon / Almuerzo con mentores

Afternoon Session / Sesión de la tarde






Francois et al. Paleoenvironmental history of South Central Chile. The sedimentary and palynological record of "Laguna Verde wetland" (36°47'S), Hualpén Peninsula, Bío-Bío District, Chile.


Mongol and Oboh-Ikuenobe. Comparative analysis of anthropogenic versus climatic influences on the Late Holocene vegetation dynamics in the Northern Neotropics: a palynological approach from Lake Izabal, eastern Guatemala.

Format: Online

Avendaño. Possible association of particle size and planetary obliquity during the Late Holocene in the Lachuá Region, Guatemala.

Format: Online

Caballero and Jaramillo. RGraphCor: a tool to perform Graphic Correlation

Format: In-person

Ferreira and Koeshidayatullah. Generative models as a novel tool for image generation and modeling of palynological datasets.

Format: In-person


Group Photo / Foto Grupal


Poster Session / Sesión de pósters

  1. Leandro et al. Multi-proxy evidence of Caribbean-sourced marine incursions in the Neogene of Western Amazonia, Brazil.

  2. Ochoa & Montenegro. Neogene reconstruction of terrestrial environments from the Peruvian Desert.

  3. Cárdenas et al. Neogene palynology of the Lake Izabal Basin, Guatemala.

  4. Hamed & Eisawi. The palynology of the Red Sea Basin, SE Sudan.

  5. Bogotá-Angel et al. Evolución del Sistema Pebas durante el Mioceno: una dinámica regida por el levantamiento Andino, los cambios en el nivel del mar y fuerzas astronómicas.

  6. Diaz-Jaramillo et al. Palynological record of mangroves and sea level changes during the Miocene in the Colombian Caribbean.

  7. Pilié et al. Fungi in a Warmer World: evaluating fungal biodiversity during the Miocene Climatic Optimum in Southern McMurdo Sound.

  8. McCoy et al. Middle Miocene (Serravallian) wetland development in central England.

  9. Velasquez-Franco et al. Listening to Las Lagunas: a long-term disturbance perspective from a conflict zone in Colombia's tropical Andean forest

  10. Orosco & Ochoa. Pollen morphology of Sanguisorbeae (Rosaceae): comparison with fossil elements from diverse environments.

  11. André et al. Palaeoenviromnental reconstruction of two lost harbors in northern Belgium: Hoeke and Sint Anna ter Muiden.

  12. Tejada et al. Palynological characterization of a seasonal desertic ecosystem: the Peruvian Lomas.

  13. Avendaño. Possible association of particle size and planetary obliquity during the Late Holocene in the Lachuá Region, Guatemala.

  14. Monsalve-Marín et al. Evidence of changes in vegetation and climate during the Late Glacial of northwestern Colombia, based on palynology and X-ray microfluorescence-X.

  15. Gómez. Evidence of the "Anthropocene" in the Lozoya Valley, Spain.


Closure / Clausura


Business Dinner and Awards Ceremony (Everybody is welcome!)

Cena de negocios y ceremonia de premiación (¡Todos son bienvenidos!)

August/Agosto 11

Post-meeting events / Eventos post-conferencia


Field trip: Pliocene sections around Manizales and coffee tour

Salida de campo: Secciones del Plioceno alrededor de Manizales y recorrido cafetero


Workshop: Applied Middle East Late Palaeozoic Palynology: solving geological problems

Format: In-person

Curso corto: Palinología aplicada del Paleozoico tardío en Oriente Medio: resolviendo problemas geológicos

Formato: Presencial


Workshop: Introduction to Stratigraphic Data Analysis in R (SDAR), a Quantitative Toolkit to Analyze Stratigraphic Data

Format: In-person

Curso corto: Introducción al análisis de datos estratigráficos en R (SDAR), una herramienta cuantitativa para analizar datos estratigráficos

Formato: Presencial


AASP - The Palynological Society Incoming Board Meeting

Reunión de la junta entrante de la AASP - The Palynological Society