The Solution

Motivation: Suppose you are trying to achieve the ever elusive six-pack ab physique. You likely won’t get them after day one, or even day ten. However, through consistent exercise and dieting, you will see gradual and encouraging results everyday when glancing in the mirror after a shower. Similar to working out, the gratification and motivation in language learning coexist in a positive feedback loop: exercise leads to results, which cultivates motivation for more exercise. Loqui is unique in that it offers a VR experience for speaking (exercise), and AI-powered speech recognition to provide instant feedback (the mirror).

Opportunity: One of the key selling points of Loqui is convenience. There are many language learning alternatives that offer convenient practice for reading, writing, and listening, but rarely for speaking. An AI-powered character is ready to converse with the user at the push of a button. Furthermore, the game is not only dynamic and exciting, but immerses the user in their target culture. For instance, many individuals are motivated to learn Japanese because of their experience with Japanese culture (e.g. animation, food, humour, etc.). Loqui combines these elements of culture with language learning to create an authentic educational journey; VR transports the user to Japan without requiring them to leave their home.