Investment & Funding

We are seeking a total of $220,000 for initial startup costs, which will primarily be invested in the technical development as well as marketing and advertising. In order to minimize costs, the team will be working remotely, and the development team will be hired from Romania (the current headquarters of Mondly). Furthermore, Loqui will utilize Google’s powerful speech recognition engine, which is available via API. An agile methodology will be adopted for the development of the Minimum Viable Product; initial VR development is expected to take 3 months, and AI development to take 6 months. With a 4-month buffer for testing, the MVP is planned to launch after 10 months of development.

Startup Costs

  • VR Development ($100,000)

  • AI Development ($50,000)

  • Equipment and Overhead ($50,000)

  • Marketing ($20,000)

  • Speech Recognition Engine - Google API ($20/million characters)