Volunteer Opportunities

Opportunities to Serve, Grow & Thrive

AAMLA has created a variety of opportunities for members to become more involved in the organization. You can use your talents for professional growth, or learn new skills to help you thrive as a medical librarian.

Volunteer your time and share your expertise to shape the future of AAMLA!

AAMLA provides leadership opportunities for those who are ready to step into leading roles, or to gain experience in leadership within MLA.

The Caucus Executive Board consists of the:

  • Chair

  • Immediate Past Chair

  • Chair Elect

  • Mentor

  • Domain Hub Delegates

A new chair will be elected by members every year, and is 3 year commitment; serving as Chair Elect for the 1st year, Chair for the 2nd year, and Immediate Past Chair for the 3rd year.

AAMLA's Domain Hub Delegates represent the caucus in the 7 Domain Hubs. We have a delegate in all 7 Domains.

  • Clinical Support

  • Education

  • Global Health and Health Equity

  • Information Management

  • Information Services

  • Innovation and Research Practice

  • Professionalism and Leadership

AAMLA Committees

AAMLA Committees consists of three (3) standing committees for volunteer opportunities and engagement.

Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee solicits candidates for Caucus Leadership from membership and will consist of the following:

  • Immediate Past Chair

  • 3 additional members

Program Planning Committee

The Program Planning Committee is responsible for overseeing the Caucus' activities at the annual meeting, and planning activities to engage the membership in virtual environments. The committee is comprised of two subgroups lead by the Chair-Elect: Annual Conference Planning Committee and the Virtual Engagement Committee.

Annual Conference Planning Committee: Primary responsibility for planning caucuses participation at the MLA Annual meeting

  1. Comprised of 4 to 6 members

  2. Solicits feedback about the member experience at the MLA annual meeting

  3. Program to include:

    1. Identify individuals to plan or co-plan Immersions Session, Special Content, Lightning talks, etc with other MLA Caucuses.

    2. Coordinate Group picture

    3. Identify a location for a social or dinner gathering

    4. Collaborate with the Virtual Engagement Committee to plan the annual virtual business meeting

    5. Market and promote sessions to the membership ahead of the meeting AAMLA community

Virtual Engagement Committee: The committee's primary responsibility is to coordinate multiple online presentations or webinars throughout the year. The committee membership will consist of at least 3 to 4 members who will:

  1. Organize the virtual Annual Meeting immediately before the MLA Annual Meeting.

  2. Plan evaluation/survey to capture member feedback about programming opportunities.

  3. Ensure that meeting/session recordings and handouts are posted to Google Docs or the caucus’ community on MLAnet.

  4. Identify speakers for virtual sessions.

  5. Coordinate logistics for virtual sessions.

  6. Promote virtual sessions to caucus members.

  7. Work on special programs as requested by the Caucus chair.

Publications & Projects Committee

  • MLA News Features

  • MLA Listserv, AAMLA Group Gmail, Social Media & Site

  • Special Projects

    • Strategic Planning Committee

    • Constitution & Bylaws Update

Do you have a skill or topic you would like to share with your colleagues? Is the there a topic concerning libraries, health sciences, academia, self care or any other interests you would like to hear more about? Contact the Virtual Engagement Committee or anyone on the Program Planning Committee. We are always on the look out for new presenters and topics to share with members.

AAMLA Writers Group

AAMLA has writing group for members who are looking for assistance, collaboration, motivation and mentoring for scholarly writing projects.

The group is lead by Tamara Nelson. Please feel free to reach out via the group listserv mla-writers-group@googlegroups.com with any questions or comments.


AAMLA recognizes the importance of mentoring librarians of color. Our goal is to coach and support new librarians, as well as, contribute to enhancing the expertise of mid career and beyond librarians.

If you would like to be mentor or receive mentoring, this is the perfect place for you. There are members at various levels of the profession who are willing to participate in mentoring relationships.