Meeting minutes

A5 meeting 25th Sept 2020.docx
A5 Committee meeting Nov 4th 2020.docx

A5 Rangers Cycling Club

Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting 24th September 2020

Members present-Craig Hamilton ,Ti

Minutes of Extraordinary General Meeting 29th November 2019

Members present-Craig Hamilton ,Tim Howell, Duncan White, Pete Semler, Steve Cockell, Ron Critchley, Murray Kirton, Beryl Kirton, Angela McGlone, Janet Café, Dave Neill, Dave Stockley, John Wright , Francis Rodriguez and later Kevin McGlone.

Items for discussion-To discuss the proposal to move the start of the membership year to April 1st.Existing membership be carried through to that date (2020) effectively reducing the cost this year to members by 16.7%.

That anyone joining in the period January to March has their membership run until March 31st the following year.

That subs will fall due after the AGM held in February.

There was discussion on the proposal for and against. Murray Kirton raised Ian Franklin’s point about how cycling clubs have a year that coincides with the CTT and British Cycling membership years. The proposer Tim Howell spoke in favour of the motion as did Treasurer John Wright, who said it wouldn’t affect the financial year-that runs with the calendar year.

The online voting was audited , corrected and found to be 20 for and 4 against.

In the room it was 5 for and 4 against. This meant that the motion was carried by a total of 25 to 8.


Club Officers-Treasurer John Wright indicated he would be standing again in the position at the AGM. He anticipates being too busy elsewhere in May and June and so would need someone to cover for him. The meeting felt that John could potentially continue in the job for another 3 years after the 2020 AGM as the “4 years in one job rule” applies from the acceptance of the new Club Constitution installed at the 2019 AGM.

Chairman Peter Semler asked Janet Café if she would be prepared to succeed him in the role from the 2020 AGM. Janet replied that she would be happy to consider doing so.

Secretary Duncan White was unable to commit at this stage to standing again as Secretary at the 2020 AGM.

Trophies and Awards-It was proposed that we present these on the AGM evening. It was mentioned that there is a long standing simple formula for working out how much we can pay on trophies and awards based on race money income. Secretary Duncan White will investigate this. The Chairman, in view of our tight finances, felt it was important to reduce expenditure here. The club does not have a Trophy Steward following the resignation of Dave Stockley at the 2019 AGM.

Racing-Racing Secretary Francis and Chairman Pete Semler felt that the racing in 2020 should be organised by a race committee. Murray spoke of the need to hold a race calendar fixing meeting soon.

Club Publicity-Tove Valley CC had recently put a good article into the Towcester magazine and it was agreed that the A5 would benefit from doing likewise in the “My area” section.

Membership fees-The Chairman mentioned how he felt it would be a good move to reduce the club’s senior membership fees to £20 at the AGM.

AOB-There was a discussion on the current and future health of the club.

AGM -The date for the AGM was fixed for Friday 7th February at 7-30pm.

Social Events-Attendees were reminded of the club’s birthday tea to be held in 2 days time on Sunday 1st December at the clubroom. Organiser Janet was happy to accept any more entries this Friday evening.

In place of the club dinner, it is the intention to hold an informal celebration of cycling at the Butcher’s Arms at Greens Norton on Saturday 1st February 2020. A meal of two courses of around £20 will be advertised on the club website soon.

The meeting finished at about 8-20pm.