CMHoC New Player’s Guide

Published by Former Head Moderator /u/Model-Wanuke

Last revision date: November 12, 2023


This is the New Player’s Guide for CMHoC, if you’re new to the simulation, we’re glad to have you.

This Guide Covers most of the essentials to know things as a new player, containing guides, important information, and directions to who to contact and where to ask questions if those come up.

This Document is upkept and maintained by the Moderators of the Simulation, so if you spot an outdated section or point out any errors, please contact us on Discord.


Former Head Moderator

August 2023

Pages in this Guide

Still need help?

If you still havent been able to find what you were looking for, contact the moderators via Reddit Modmail, or send in a Support ticket on the Official Discord.