St Andrews Community Hospital

Travelling to St Andrews Community Hospital?

If you have a "Minor Injury" you may get quicker treatment using the service in St Andrews Community Hospital (rather than going to "Accident & Emergency" at Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy, for example) - check if you are unsure where to go for health services in Fife.

The 95 timetable changed on Monday 7th November 2022 - many Monday to Saturday daytime 95 journeys now travel via St Andrews Community Hospital - see the Timetable page for more details.

Stop (Z) is served by the 95 and by  Moffat & Williamson 9B local bus which runs to the stop in South Street, St Andrews outside the old Madras College (now called "Blackfriars") and by the Moffat & Williamson 64 to Cupar via Strathkinness and Ceres.

Following timetable changes on 14th August 2023 the 64 calls less frequently at the Community Hospital as its route through St Andrews often makes a large loop only visiting the Community Hospital in one direction - and that direction is the opposite way round on alternate hours - you can still get to Strathkinness, Ceres, Cupar and beyond, but you may have to wander (in the bus) round the streets of St Andrews first...

The X58 bus from St Andrews arrives at stop (Y) - to catch the X58 back to St Andrews and Crail use stop (X).

Stop (W) and (V) are served by the local Stagecoach buses which run to St Andrews Bus Station

Fife council leaflet on buses for St Andrews Community Hospital:

The 9B is useful for getting to the middle of St Andrews

64 Community Hospital.pdf

Other hospitals

If you visit St Andrews Community Hospital you may be referred on to one of the other local hospitals - the Adamson Hospital in CuparNinewells Hospital in Dundee or Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy - or possibly even Forth Valley Royal Hospital.

If you have a choice then it can be difficult to decide which hospital to go for.