Kingsbarns and Boarhills

We are advising you to use the Stagecoach Travel Planner to plan journeys to and from Kingsbarns and Boarhills, making sure to enter the correct date of travel to ensure that the correct timetable is selected.

If you have to pay for tickets then see our Day tickets page as a Day Ticket is likely to be the cheapest way to travel between Leven/Largo and Boarhills/Kingsbarns - as this ticket allows you to change buses whenever you need and to make as many trips as you need during the day.

The new timetables are shown below.

95 from 3 June 2024.pdf

From Leven or Largo to Boarhills and Kingsbarns

It can be quicker to catch an X58 to St Andrews and change to a 95 there rather than waiting for a 95.

As a typical example, the Monday to Saturday 09:40 X58 from Leven passes Upper Largo at 09:51 and gets to St Andrews at 10:15 where a 95 at 10:25 will get you to Boarhills at 10:40 and Kingsbarns at 10:45.

Whereas, the 09:40 95 from Leven passes Upper Largo at 09:53 and gets to Kingsbarns at 10:59 and Boarhills at 11:04.

But the X58 can suffer delays due to problems earlier on its route - so if you know the X58 is going to be late it can be safer to catch the 95...

X58 Web Timetable Aug 23.pdf

Make sure you get off at the correct stop in Kingsbarns

If you are going to Kingsbarns Golf Links then you need to ask the bus driver to stop specially. It is not a marked stop but the 95 will stop as a rural "hail & ride" service. The entrance to Kingsbarns Golf Links is about 700 metres south of Kingsbarns village and the driveway from the main road to the clubhouse is a further 900 metres.

If you are going to Kingsbarns Distillery then you need to get off at the Cambo Lodge bus stop as the driveway to Kingsbarns Distillery runs parallel to the driveway for Cambo House and Gardens - on opposite sides of the Cambo Burn.