Chito Ryu Karate

Style: Chito Ryu Original (as introduced by Masami Tsuruoka into Canada in the late 50’s). We have been teaching this style at 8 Wing Trenton since 1973.

Lineage: Chitose Sensei (founder of the style) to Tsuruoka Sensei (The Father of Canadian Karate) to Monty Guest Sensei (one of Canada’s first Karate Black Belts plus the first assistant instructor at the original Canadian Hombu in Toronto and the first to be allowed to open a branch club) to Robert Walther, Chief Instructor of 8 Wing Trenton Martial Arts Club.

The Training: Our style emphasizes strong basics. We have a minimum of a half hour of basics in every class. We also do the traditional Kata. Some examples of these are - Zen Shin Kotai, the Heian series, Seisan, Ro Hai 1 & 2, Naihanchi, Chinto, Bassai 1 & 2, etc. After Sho-Dan, among the Kata we teach are - Jion, Enbi, Wansu, Ryusan, etc. All Kata training involves bunkai (applications). Sparring is done with safety equipment. Our classes are very strong and disciplined.

Training Equipment: A full Karate-gi (white or black). Sparring equipment is recommended and mouth guards are mandatory. We have a fully equipped Dojo. We also train in bo, sai, kama and other traditional Okinawan weapons.

Promotion: White Belt (beginner 3 months avg.); Yellow Belt (advanced beginner 6 months avg.); Orange Belt (beginning intermediate 8 months avg.); Green Belt (intermediate 9 months avg.); Blue Belt (advanced intermediate 9 months avg.); Brown Belt (preparation for Black Belt stage 1 year avg.) Avg. to Black Belt in a traditional Dojo - 48 months. Dojo tests are run every 3 months for eligible candidates. We teach complete courses from 1st to 4th Degree Black Belt. Our Chief Instructor holds a 6th Dan and has been training since 1964.

Purpose of Training: Though we train in strong self defence, we practise the do in Karate-Do, which involves courtesy, respect for others, patience, perseverance, loyalty and self defence only. We emphasize character-building and confidence. In regards to fitness, there are few programs that offer a lifetime of fitness where progress never ends. You don’t need a team or equipment for Karate, just yourself, and you don’t need to be in special shape or be at a young age to start. In other words, Karate is something that you can take with you wherever you go and the skills to not stop when you reach a certain age.

History of Our Dojo: Our Dojo has been on Base for 43 years. During that time we have produced dozens of Black Belts both male and female, many who have gone on across Canada and the U.S. to become teachers in their own right. We have produced tournament champions. We’re also well known for our demonstration teams. We put on the largest continuous demonstration in Canadian history at Belleville’s Quinte Mall from 09:00 - 16:00 non-stop involving over 300 demonstrators. Our six-hour preliminary Black Belt test for Sho-Dan-Ho has been described as one of the toughest tests in the country. But most of all, thousands of satisfied students that have trained in our Dojo over the years have been exposed to the strength, dignity and the traditions of the wonderful art of Karate.