University of Ioannina

8th Conference of ΜΑ Students & PhD Candidates 

in Classics

19-20 May 2023


Dear guests,

Welcome to the official website of the 8th Conference of MA students & PhD Candidates in Classics. The conference is an important part of the actions of the Postgraduate Programme in Classics, the Division of Classics , the laboratories of Classics and the Ancient Greek and Latin Language of the Department of Philology at the University of Ioannina.

This year, for the 8th time (after holding an online conference (June 2021) in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic), a group of MA students and PhD Candidates in Classics is organizing and conducting a live conference, which tends to become an institution of the department.

Any MA student or PhD candidate of Classics of any University of Greece or abroad (Ancient Greek and Latin Philology/Language and civilization) is welcome to participate in this Conference. The subject area of the Conference is quite wide but should, of course, be focused on the study of ancient Greek and Latin language and literature.

You can browse the website to find more useful information  regarding the Conference

Objective of the Conference

The objective of the conference is to promote classical studies and encourage original scientific research on the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, both of which have highly contributed to shaping modern European culture. 

Moreover, this Conference is providing new researchers of Classical Studies with the opportunity to present their research findings, communicate and discuss with colleagues and therefore further develop as researchers. 

 Organizing Committee


Vasiliki Agori

PhD Candidate

Stefania Antoniadou

MA Student

Despoina Neophytou

PhD Candidate

Vasileios Papageorgiou

PhD Candidate

Eleni Papadimitriou

MA Student

Vasiliki Tziora

MA Student

Evangelos Tsoumpos

MA student

Conference Venue

Class ΦΑ3 

Department of Philology 

1st floor

University of Ioannina Campus

The Conference will take place on the 

19th and 20th of May 2023 


 Conference Poster

If you have any questions with regards to the conduct of the conference and the submission of the abstracts process, feel free to email us.


Media Sponsor

Image reference and copyright:  Feuerbach, A. (1869), Das Gastmahl des Plato, oil on canvas: 295 x 598 cm, Staatliche Kunsthalle Museum, Karlsruhe, Germany.