Donna Bogard: the Traveling Teacher!

OHVA Middle School teacher, Donna Bogard lives the "Passion First" mindset by sharing her love of traveling with her students!

"Over my lifetime I have lived many different places both in the United States and abroad. This has fostered a passion for travel and learning about the world we live in. I also love to take pictures, especially when I travel. I love to share the world and my photos with my students in hope that they will want to learn more about the world around them. I want my students to wonder what the world outside of their home is like and develop a passion for learning. I believe that by passionately sharing a few photos and a little about other places I have traveled my students will become curious and want to learn more. The attached video is an example of how I usually start my 6th grade history class connect sessions."- Donna Bogard

Thanks for leading by example, Mrs. Bogard!

We love to see you putting your "passion first" to inspire your students!

"Highlighting Monaco"

Highlighting Monaco - Donna Bogard.mp4