
for further informations, please contact 7IWRP@univ-pau.fr

Call for sponsors

Sponsorship will help, in that order, to : 

- reduce the registration fee for students

- maintain overall costs at a reasonable level for all participants.

Categories sponsors

Diamond (10 000 €, and beyond)

Topaze (7 500 €)

Quartz (5 000 €)

Feldspar (3 000 €)

Calcite (999 €)

Diamond Level Benefits 

gives the company 5 free tickets (May be shared by different persons representing the company, but only 5 at each time at the workshop).

Acknowledgement for supporting the Workshop Dinner.

Company logo in the workshop program and on the 7IWRP web page.

Topaze Level Benefits

gives the company 4 free tickets (May be shared by different persons representing the company, but only 3 at each time at the workshop).

Acknowledgement for supporting the Workshop Dinner.

Company logo in the workshop program and on the 7IWRP web page.

Quartz Level Benefits

gives the company 3 free tickets (May be shared by different persons representing the company, but only 2 at each time at the workshop).

Company logo in the workshop program and on the 7IWRP web page.

Feldspar Level Benefits

gives the company 2 free tickets (May be shared by different persons representing the company, but only 1 at each time at the workshop).

Company logo in the workshop program and on the 7IWRP web page.

Calcite Level Benefits

gives the company 1 free ticket (May be shared by different persons representing the company, but only 1 at each time at the workshop).

Company logo in the workshop program and on the 7IWRP web page.