Rock Physics for Energy & Environment Solutions

In addition to increase our understanding on the fundamentals of the physics of rocks, non-extensive examples of applications to emerging fields of the Energy challenge can be expected.

Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS): 

non-extensive exemples of questions in the field, hopefully addressed in the 7IWRP and coming years.

Injecting CO2 in geological reservoirs is a promising strategy to mitigate increases in global warming  by taking CO2 directly at the production side and injecting it underground. It however requires research to fully understand the coupled new thermo-chemo-mechanical constrains, e.g. :

When injected, at depths' P-T conditions, CO2 can be either in gas, supercritical or liquid state. The host reservoir rock is usually saturated by water, from the use of geophysics - and knowledge of the rock physical signature - one can assess the phase of the CO2  at depths. Three main storage cases might exist (i) undissolved CO2 gas as either localised macroscopic plume or homogeneously-distributed bubbles, (ii) dissolved in the water as carbonate anions, (iii) solid phase through precipitation with cations in the solution.

Each state depend on thermodynamics and kinetics, might have its intrinsic geophysical signature and might strongly alter the in-situ rock. From time-lapse 3D geophysics, with the help of seismic and/or electrical methods, one might track changes in saturations and pressures.

From the storage type and state of CO2, as well as the host/sealing rocks in contact to it, various residence effects might occur, spanning over-pressures, dissolutions of the rock or even precipitation of a secondary mineral phase. One needs the precise knowledge on how much change in geophysical properties are expected from each phenomena in order to invert such information at the field scale. 

Independent of the chemical constrain, injections of CO2 in water-saturated reservoir involves the knowledge of - for instance - thermal equilibrium between the injected fluid and host rock. If injection is too fast, and temperature delta too large, thermal stresses might be too localised and large hence induce fracturation. The realm of poro-thermo-elasticity.

Taken from polarpedia & AAPG : Principle and potential targetted reservoir rocks for CO2 injections and storages.

Upper right : Measurements highlighting change in seismic and electrical properties during fluid substitution, from injections of CO2 in a brine-saturated rock (example from NOC, UK).

Lower right : We know that, if CO2 dissolves in water, water acidfies and could dissolve the rock (e.g. calcite or clay minerals in basalts), but could also allow for mineral precipitation (example from CSIRO-ESRE, Perth AU). Such effects can seldom be observed withouth measuring its physical properties. 

Geothermal Energy :

non-extensive exemples of questions in the field, hopefully addressed in the 7IWRP and coming years.

Provided that host rocks at temperatures above 100-150°C are reachable at low costs, hence in near surface (e.g. in volcanic zones Island), geothermal energy  and powerplants could allow long-term electricity production unaffected by climatic (e.g. sun, wind) conditions. The principle is to create long-term water-cycle loops of injecting in cold water and pumping out hot water. It however is, at current, mainly developed near or at volcanic  areas (e.g. Island) as we pretty much know existence of hot water as it permeates to the surface. Developing this energy over a larger scale however involves new and renewed questionnings, e.g. :

Under construction

Hydrogen storage : Rock physics at the intersection between geomechanics, geophysics, geochemistry…and microbiology.

non-extensive exemples of questions in the field, hopefully addressed in the 7IWRP and coming years.

Permafrosts :

non-extensive exemples of questions in the field, hopefully addressed in the 7IWRP and coming years.

Under construction