Decision on 8IWRP venue & Votes

Upon the end of 7IWRP, the decision was made to have the vote with the totality of the 7IWRP participants, also accounting for the ones that needed to leave before friday for various reasons. The results of that vote will be comunicated by July 13-15th 2024 to the RP comunity.

Three candidates have offered to house next 8IWRP : Austin university (Houston, Texas, USA); Auckland University (Auckland, NZ); Bariloche research center (Bariloche, Argentina).

More information will be uploaded on the IARP website (

At the end, some maps are given for the participants of 7IWRP as well as the past IWRP venues.

As reminded by some founding members, please recall when voting for 8IWRP one main constrain of utmost importance for the future of the community :

The IWRPs workshops are meant to be  worldwide events, hence aimed to also allow for participation by peers from the other side of the world.

In other words, your willingness or ability to attend 8IWRP should not be the sole criteria, or at the very least not based on pure geographical or financial constrains because the venue is on the other side of the world. Because it is on the other side of the world hence more difficult for some of us, peers that could not attend this 7IWRP because it was in Europe will much more easily for 8IWRP.