Day Two

28.2 miles

December 18, 2019

Segment MAP

Elevation Profile

Start : De Leon Spring State Park

The second day will be shorter than the first. Running along the highway will start to feel normal, until you reach the Florida Trail. Then, it will get scenic and the temperature will significantly drop, making the trail one of the most looked forward to parts of this run.

Finish : Juniper Springs Recreation Area

Like De Leon, the springs in Juniper hold a constant temperature of 68 degrees year-round, making it another perfect substitute for an ice bath.




Historic Site Visit

Wildlife Viewing

A section of the Florida Trail in Central Florida. Learn More

the Florida Trail

A spectacular 5 miles of nature, a lovely detour from the highway

For the last 5 miles of day 2, runners will trot through the Florida Trail, a congressionally dedicated National Scenic Trail.

This eye opening experience will convince its users that more areas like this are needed.

Nearest Town :

Forest Corners - 10 miles

Interactive Map can be used to find local stores for personal needs.

The red pin indicates the finish line