Day Seven
30.2 miles
December 23rd, 2019
Elevation Profile
Elevation Profile
Start : SunWest Park
Start : SunWest Park
Whether we get an AirBnb or not, getting on the road on day seven will be harder than ever. With 30 miles to the finish line, many of the other runners may have already dropped off, left with their support team, and wished the rest of us good luck. Regardless, once you've made it this far, theres no point in quitting, you're pretty much there. You know the ocean is a few miles to your right, and all you have to do is reach the...
Finish : HoneyMoon Island State Park
Finish : HoneyMoon Island State Park
You've made it, 200 miles in the books. If you made it this far, you're officially a 7 in 7 Challenge completer, and thats a big deal. Now go dip you're toes in the gulf and get those ice buckets ready, cause you're going to be struggling to maneuver yourself for the next couple days