Editorial Work/Peer Evalutation

Tasks to accomplish & Editorial Responsibilities

(1) Strategies for Effective Feedback

Task: Select a strategy for effective feedback. Read the cited article, and provide three key insights or findings.  After discussing with your colleagues, summarize the key issues. 

(2) Benefits of Peer Grading

Task: Select an article pertaining to the benefits of peer grading. Read the cited article, and provide three key insights or findings.  After discussing with your colleagues, summarize the key issues. 

(3) Editorial Comments - Checklist

Use "importrange" to import the checklist from this worksheet.  Describe each item and make the description.  Link to locations where it is illustrated in your website.

Each member of the class is going to serve as an editor for a colleague, preferably one in a similar teaching discipline.  The editorial responsibilities are as follows:

Task: provide timely (weekly) editorial comments and  feedback to your author
