Master's Program 


Documenting ALL work in your Master's Program

(1) File Organization  

 Video -  Organizing files on Google Drive [13:37]; Using folders and subfolders, Granting sharing privileges by folder, Color coding files & folders, Moving files, Organizing & sorting files, 

Task - Provide links to the following

642 Folder - Save all of your files for this class (photos, screen-shots, spreadsheets, slide shows, etc.) in a 642 master-folder.  Make certain that the folder privileges are set so anyone with the link can view.  

Assignment subfolders - Create separate sub-folders for each of the assignments within the 642 master-folder!   

Photos folder -  Create a graphics folder with appropriate subfolders as necessary

(2) Home Page for MA site

VIDEO - Creating a Google Site [3:32]

Task: Create a home page that includes the following:

Include the following on your Master's home page:

Portrait: Include a photograph of yourself on your home page.

Banners for Each Class: Include a banner for your home page that is relevant to the subject you teach

Background: Write one or more paragraphs in which you explain your personal, educational, and professional background. Include links to the high schools, colleges, and universities you have attended. Identify degrees earned and the fields of study in which they were obtained.

Teaching: Explain how you became interested in education as a career, and describe the classes and levels you plan to teach. Express your philosophy of education. Provide links to schools at which you have taught or student taught.

Interests and Hobbies: Describe your interests and hobbies. Include photos relevant to your interests

Image Carousel: Put on image carousel on your home page, with links to your personal photos folder

Appearance: Make sure that your home page, and all subsequent pages, appear professional.

(3) Course pages

VIDEO - Creating  and Organizing Subpages [8:18]

Task: Create the following sub-pages or sub-sites

Syllabus & work for each course - Create separate websites for each class in the program.  Record ALL work for EVERY class in the appropriate page.

Banners - include unique, relevant banners for each assignment.  The banners can be images related to the subject you teach, or related to the nature of the assignments.

(4) Action Research

Task:  Create web pages for your Action Research Project