Harrisburg 2019

JoEllen McBride, Sarah Davidson, Tanya Dapkey, Meredith Bradshaw, and Erin Reagan went to Harrisburg to share with our reps our six(!) policy briefs and introduce our organization as a resource. We met with Reps. Williams, Farry, and Harris and Senators Muth, Dinniman, Tomlinson, and Farnese. We dropped off materials with Rep. Comitta and Gillen and Senator Schwank. We already received questions concerning geoengineering and nuclear power. You can view all our handouts here! If you’re interested in contacting your reps to offer our services, please reach out to JoEllen McBride (joellen.mcbride@gmail.com).

Erin Reagan wrote a short piece about “Harrisburg Lobby Day for 500 Women Scientists Philly Pod” in the University of Pennsylvania’s PSPDG (Penn Science Policy & Diplomacy Group) December 2019 newsletter.

Our Day of Action was published as a Take Action Tuesday Post on the 500WS Website