Science History Institute

Photo courtesy of the Science History Institute

Philly Pod members first learned about the Science History Institute in 2017 when we participated in their annual event, Start Talking Science. Since then we have been speakers for the Saturday Speaker Events and have joined their WikiSalons.

Tanya Dapkey, Dr. Lexi Moore Crisp, Dr. JoEllen McBride and Dr. Laura Guertin presented

Philly Pod's first ever Wiki-a-thon! Tanya Dapkey was the Saturday Speaker.

On April 13, 2019, Susan Somerton gave a talk at the Science History Institute’s Saturday Speaker Series on how she found her creative side and started turning her work as a radiologist into Xray art!

Tamara Cohen attended Start Talking Science 2019 at the Science History Institute on Thursday, September 26th. She reports “It was full of researchers, scientists, and students presenting on a variety of scientific topics. There were a few presenters (posters) that I got to speak with in more detail. A professor in Earth Science from Penn State Brandywine shared with me her model for her 100 level course that looked at coastal optimism. Not only did the students learn about the ways that coastal communities are adapting and rebuilding for natural disasters, but the course was designed to educate students on how to do research, tell a story, and listen. They also create a podcast about what they did. Such a creative model for any topic. I also heard from two immunology scientists working on T-cells. One of them is looking at how T-cells engineered with CRISPR/Cas9 can detect abnormal genetic code in cancer cells. The other is looking at the immune suppression function of T-Cells when it comes to transplants and auto-immune diseases. She is hoping to use this function of the T-cells to help against rejection instead of having to suppress the entire immune system which risks infection.”

January 11, 2020, Pod member Stefanie Kroll spoke about Aquatic Insects, Water Quality, and You

Aquatic insects have curious capabilities and display amazing adaptations. They can also be used as bioindicators to characterize water quality in streams and help regulators and researchers identify stressors to our water quality. Join Stefanie Kroll for a talk about these fascinating creatures, why it’s important to protect our waterways for the future, and how everyday citizens can help in those efforts.