Written works

On April 26, 2019, Liana Vaccari attended a hearing on the future of Philadelphia Gas Works. She submitted a written testimony on behalf of our pod.

On May 29, Liana Vaccari sent a statement from our Pod to the Licenses and Inspections Review Board opposing the SEPTA natural gas plant in Nicetown.

Sarah Davidson attended a public meeting of the City of Philadelphia’s Refinery Advisory Group on August 27, formed to discuss the future of the Philadelphia Energy Solutions refinery site, and made a statement on behalf of our Pod. There were about 30 speakers, a mix of scientists, doctors, lawyers, engineers and residents of the communities near the refinery that are members of Philly Thrive. WHYY covered the meeting.

JoEllen McBride, Sarah Davidson, Tanya Dapkey, Meredith Bradshaw, and Erin Reagan went to Harrisburg to share with our reps our six(!) policy briefs and introduce our organization as a resource. You can view all our handouts here!

Our Harrisburg Lobby Day of Action was published as a Take Action Tuesday Post on the 500WS Website

JoEllen McBride wrote a guest post about advocacy for the Women in Pharma blog. https://womeninpharmacareers.com/time-for-advocacy-getting-started-with-advocacy-for-high-impact-guest-post/

Wenny Lin posted a guest blog post on opportunities for people returning to pharma careers after taking a caregiving break written by Path Forward.

We submitted a testimony for the PA K-12 Science Standards input meetings. You can see a copy here.

Dr. Stef Kroll published a piece on Medium about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in STEM and is calling for collaborators.

Tanya Dapkey wrote or co-wrote the following Take Action Tuesday Posts for the National Website: March 19, 2019, March 5th, 2019, February 5th, 2019, October 23, 2018, October 2, 2018, August 14, 2018