Painting With Light - Rylee

What you will learn in this session:
  • F-Stop and Bulb Settings  
  • Different Light techniques, ie. drawing ghosts and spinning light elements
  • Importance of holding still and tools to help, like a tripod
  • Effects of Red Lights
  • ISO tricks

 Information about your Class Presenter: 
Hello, my name is Rylee, I have been doing photography for about 7 years. In the painting with light class, we will be exploring pictures where we will literally paint with light. Your camera is able to take pictures in the dark while someone makes a drawing with light. We can also make ghosts out of ourselves. This class will be a fun and creative way to learn some new functions of your camera and some new picture-taking techniques. 

See Sample PICTURES below of topic areas...  

Use Long Exposure and Draw


Use Long Exposure on Phone

Use Long Exposure and Write