EXIF - finding hidden data about your photos - John

What you will learn in this session:
  • How to find the Meta Data
  • Why you want to use Meta Data
  • Practical uses of Meta Data to improve photos
  • How to edit and remove data so others can't see it
  • Tools/Extension to find Meta data

 Information about your Class Presenter: 
Hi my name is John.  I have been in the photography project for 4 years.  I am here to talk to you about EXIF.  EXIF stands for Exchangible Image File Format, but really it is just data stored with each photo and is also called Meta Data.  In this class, we will learn how to utilize and find the data that is saved with your photos.  The things saved with the photo include camera settings like f-stop, iso, aperture, and if the flash triggered.  It also includes when (time) and where (GPS) you took the photo and more.  I hope you have fun in my class. 

Map Showing Picture Locations

EXIF data showing settings

More Exif settings

Map and EXIF GPS Data