Picture Perfect is the name of the Shawnee County 4-H Photography Youth Leaders.  These 4-H members get together and learn about photography. The team plan local county outings and events to share what they have learned.  For many years (more than 20), this group and its predecessors have developed and delivered a statewide photography workshop in Shawnee County led by 4-H youth leaders.

Hands-on Food Photography

Meredith demonstrates how to prepare plated food for photography

Macro Camera Settings 

Ethan helps youth adjust camera settings at the Spring Workshop 2022

Picture Perfect - Water Break

4-H Picture Perfect Leaders enjoy downtime - swimming fun! 

High-Sun Talk @ Hot Spots

Ian shares how to avoid hot spots during the peak sun hours of the day

Landscape Samples

John shares different landscape photos at Ted Ensley gardens

Water Settings

Rylee helps youth set camera to take waterfall pictures

Search for Patterns

Braedan helps youth find patterns in the pagoda and take silhouette photos