Sample Stem-Focused PLP

For Educators:

This sample PLP was created from the perspective of a student who is fictional. Some of the student work, however, was either based on work done by real students or was actual work used with the permission of students. School-based materials - such as rubrics, etc. - were, when possible, created from actual materials used in Vermont schools today.


The student who created this PLP is a middle-schooler who is interested in STEM, 3-D printing, and Maker Faires. Participation on 3D Vermont has sparked his curiosity about careers that could involve 3-D printing, and you will see that curiosity reflected here.

Below is a summary of what you'll find in each section of this PLP:

About Me: Student Profile

  • Information about Maker Faires and 3D Vermont;
  • Student strengths and weaknesses;
  • Student report card.

Creating a Model: Goal 1

  • Student expectations aligned to rules of 3D Vermont;
  • Action steps, including link to classroom timeline and work plan for 3D Vermont;
  • Link to separate Evidence of Learning and Student Reflection page.

3D Printing: Goal 2

  • Student goal of learning how to 3D print and how 3D printing is used in various ways;
  • Links and embedded examples of news articles, twitter posts, etc. that show how 3D printing is being used in the world today;
  • Student expectations and embedded ISTE Student Standards document;
  • Action Steps with links to 3D Vermont "How To" videos;
  • Embedded Timeline and Workplan for competing in 3D Vermont;
  • Link to separate Evidence of Learning and Reflection page.

Careers in 3D Printing: Goal 3

  • Student goal of learning more about careers that incorporate 3D printing;
  • Link to current events article;
  • Student Expectations aligned to Vermont's Profile of a Graduate;
  • Student Action Steps;
  • Evidence of Learning and Reflection, including a link to student career research

Timeline and Workplan

  • This page includes the teacher-created timeline of class activities, etc. used to complete their 3D Vermont projects.


  • Student reflection on participation in 3D Vermont, including student work.