Goal 3: Careers in 3D Printing


I want to explore careers that use computer programming and 3D printing. The image above shows Marines walking across a bridge that they created from 3D printing - the first reinforced concrete bridge to be 3D printed in the Western Hemisphere!


For this goal I looked at Vermont's Financial Literacy Standards in the section Employment and Income:

Use a career plan to develop personal income potential.

Standard 1. Explore job and career options. Outline a career plan that aligns with personal interests, financial goals and desired lifestyle.

Action Steps

At this point, I don't know much about the different types of careers in 3D printing that even exist, so I thought I would do some research to answer some basic questions:

  • What are different careers that involve 3D printing?

  • What about each of those careers do I think I would like?

  • What about each of those careers do I think I wouldn't like?

  • How do you prepare for that career? What skills or education is necessary?

  • How much does that career pay?

If possible, I would like to interview some people who are currently working with 3D printing.

Evidence of Learning & Reflection

To start off, I did some basic research around careers in 3D printing. I organized the information in the document and chart below. There were a lot of words I didn't really understand, so I recording my questions in red in the chart. This project was helpful but it was also confusing. I think I need to talk to someone who has a job using 3D printing. Visiting them at work would also be good.

Careers in 3D Printing