Adventures in Photovoice: Expecting the Unexpected

By Ingrid Guyon, Founding Director of Fotosynthesis and Co-Track Leader for Photovoice & Peace Building  


Photovoice can be very complex, very simple, romanticised, or criticised. My photovoice approach is not that of an academic researcher, but is more community and grassroots orientated. This conference brings all of us from different paths to listen, learn, reflect, share, and ask questions — to take what we feel is for us and leave out what is not. This is why I really look forward to hearing more anecdotes, impacts, and stories that will no doubt blow my mind and make me realise how much there is still to learn and discover. —Author 


Everything started during a Visual Anthropology lecture 20 years ago, when the professor told the class that the chief of a tribe would never share its community’s and ancestors’ secrets, but rather, “tell the anthropologist whatever he wanted to hear so he would leave.” 


I realised I had no interest at all in reading a book about a black African tribe written by a western outsider; I wanted to hear the voices from the people themselves. My dream to become an anthropologist and travel photographer vanished, and I applied my anthropology background in a healthier way — at least for me. I started researching and discovered photovoice and participatory photography methods, which changed the course of my life and my career, and I never looked back. I met Tiffany Fairey and Anna Blackman from and now, 20 years later, Tiffany and I are writing a Peace Photography Guide, a book and a website about participatory, collaborative, and community-led peace photography as part of her Imaging Peace research, which will be launched early 2025.


Early Influences 

Being a photographer, documentary film maker, a photovoice, participatory photography, video trainer and practitioner is a blessing. When I was a child, I would have never guessed I would become a photographer and that images would be central to my personal and professional life. May I should tell you that when my family sought refuge in France during the second world war as the German would not let them carry their journey, they ended up in Nicephore Niepce’s home, which led me to be born in the city where the first world photograph was taken. And when I was four years old, my parents migrated to the South of France in Arles, where the famous international photography festival takes place each year. But even then, photographer had come entered my life yet, as it was more for the elite of my town. 

Being a visual practitioner opens door to pretty much anything, but it also makes you feel like an outsider when working with communities: how do you explain to people what these photovoice and participatory photography are and entail? I often feel that sharing lived experiences and anecdotes from projects and participants is the best way to transmit what we do, the impact it can have and the time that those processes need... time... Time is the key factor. And how do we convince clients or communities to dedicate time in 2024 society?

‘One of those grey days I went for a walk, a day when you feel sad and melancholic, when you remember all your loved ones. Walking along a deserted street, I came across a flower… at first, I thought that someone had placed it there, because it was all alone in the middle of nowhere, then, as I got closer, I could see that surprisingly its branch had managed to cross a fence passing through a narrow hole, making its way and blossoming on the other side… 

At that moment, that beautiful flower gave me a great lesson of life, to see how despite its difficulty, she was able to make its way, against all odds with tenacity, going through different obstacles, fighting with perseverance, patience, strength and resilience, until it reached its goal. 

That day that flower taught me, that we can stay locked up and trapped by our fears, difficulties and problems, or we can be a bit like her, fight our way out and show the world our best colours, transmitting a bit of joy and hope.’ 

© Claudia / Tejiendo Vidas / Fotosynthesis, Colombia & Spain, taken from an online therapeutic photography project with Colombians victims of the conflict leaving in Spain with the Barcelona Colombian Consulate and the Colombia Victim Unit together with a therapist.  Learn more by clicking on the button under the photo. 

A Case in Point 

I will never forget my first meeting with a new client from a big United Nations institution who wanted to use photovoice for a multi-country evaluation with vulnerable children. He said, “I have spoken with ten of the best experts in photovoice in the world, and they have suggested to spend half a day with the first group of children to teach them photography and give them the evaluation question. Then, as they go out to take pictures in the afternoon, you work with another group, and on the following morning you look at the pictures from the first group, discuss them, analyse, and so on, with as many groups as possible.” While laughing silently to myself, I responded, “I am not sure who you have spoken with, but if this is how you want to work — in quantity without quality — then you should have chosen one of them, because I will never spend so little time with a group. How do you build trust with the participants so they open up to you and share personal experiences with a stranger (using a medium they probably have never used before) and expect to get profound and meaningful data and stories?”  


He then suggested me to train the staff in the car as we travelled using a powerpoint presentation with not group dynamic and I had to convince him for the ‘trained’ staff to accompany me to the fieldwork otherwise what was the point to train them in the first place? He had no idea what he was jumping into and was a bit of an extreme case, but I would say that this is most common mistakes that people make: they want a photovoice project without consulting with practitioners first, without designing the project carefully to adapt it to the needs and objectives, the time and budget available, without considering the the local context and most importantly, the participants or community needs, which are central to any participatory process. This is when, we, practitioners, come on board and can make successful processes together as a team. 


After we presented a summary of our project findings, an evaluation program manager said to me, “You have gathered more information and data about the realities and the impact of the programs in three days with the children than we did during a whole year. How did you do it?” Meanwhile, some of his colleagues questioned the rigor and truth of the stories that the children shared, asking, “How do you know that what the children said is true?” since our data did not match with the numbers of their spreadsheets. This is what photovoice is for me: a humanistic approach that allows real stories to emerge, through active listening, trust, fun, and meaningful conversations around a table. And if the client, a community, an agency or institution you are working with does not understand that from the beginning — and especially if they don’t trust the process and open the door to unpredictable outcomes — then photovoice is probably not the right approach for them. 


I often wonder, do people fully grasp the impact photovoice research can have in a community by promoting better understanding, thereby viewing populations from a more empathetic perspective and helping shape policies and programs? Some do and some don’t. The important thing to remember is that each project is an adventure with no fixed ending or outcome, and everything will be okay as long as you remember that the participants are the protagonists and the ones to care for. 

‘When you are a young carer, sometimes you don’t take in what’s around you because the stress makes it feel like blur around you.’ @ Gloria / Colour Collision / Fotosynthesis, taken form a photovoice process with young carers to raise awareness about the experiences of young people who care for someone in their family at Carer’s Week with Islington and Camden Councils.  Learn more by clicking on the button below the image.

Community-led film & photography exhibition and projection around hunger and Malnutrition © Fotosynthesis & Gareth Benest / Action Against Hunger UK, Senegal

In July 2022, rather than parachuting external photographer and videographer to gather communication materials for their fundraising appeal, Action Against Hunger UK decided to shift the power of the narratives and invited ten people from Touba Seras, a village in northern Senegal to take part in a participatory media project to document the high incidence of hunger and malnutrition affecting their community with increased frequency and severity. 

      The group created a powerful collection of photographs and video footage that captures the lives of a community facing hunger and hunger-related diseases on a daily basis, and their unified efforts to support and guide one another to a healthier and more secure future. They took this opportunity to present the solutions they have put in place and highlight the additional support needed to continue and deepen their responses. 

© Fotosynthesis & Garteh Benest

Ethics and Photovoice 

Another aspect of participatory photography or photovoice is ethics. We all know that. But how do you strike a balance between meeting the community’s or participants’ expectations, the client’s expectation and agenda, the expectations and agenda of the communications department of that client, and the ethics of informed consent for the use of images and respect for the dignity of the people? It is not easy and I don’t think there is a straight answer to that, especially as each project is unique and requires dialogue, negotiations and patience.  

And very often these stakeholders forget about the most important consideration of all: the participants and the community who are engaging in the process with trust. They, being at the centre of the process, are the priority. Utmost consideration must be undertaken so they don’t feel used, are not forced to talk about experiences that could trigger traumas or make them feel frustrated (or worse), or put them or their community in danger. This is why we must take special care in developing photovoice, community led, or collaborative photography initiatives, making sure we totally understand our reasons for using this approach and this specific medium in the first place. Who is it for? What are your expectations and objectives? What would be the impacts, positive or negative? What potential social or political issues might arise? Do the participants fully comprehend what they are jumping into? 


Photovoice methodology brings endless opportunities and surprises and most importantly, allows me to have met hundreds or thousands of people from different paths that I would have never met otherwise, and heard countless previously untold stories. This why I have never looked back, and why Peace Photography has always been a part of me: to use participatory photography to heal, dialogue, advocate, reconcile, promote freedom of expression, change narratives, create safe spaces, and make peace visible from communities’ perspectives. 

About the Author

Ingrid is a photographer, filmmaker, and participatory visual media practitioner with more than 15 years of experience in designing and implementing participatory and community-based projects and processes, trainings and audiovisual production with the education, museums, NGOs, international development and peacebuilding sectors. She is founding director of Fotosynthesis, a social enterprise specializing in participatory media and audiovisual production, and an associate of Insightshare. As a freelancer, she also produces photographic assignments or documentaries and impact videos and has a strong interest in ethics of images and stories of resilience and inspiration. She is the co-author of the ‘Peace Photography Guide’ with Tiffany Fairey part of her Imaging Peace research, which will be launched early 2025.