2022 Tracks and Presentations

Each oral presentation track featured four presentations, a reflection by the track’s leader(s), and brief Q&A. 

The leader or leaders for each track developed the calls for abstracts, reviewed all submissions, and selected four abstracts for oral presentations. We thank them for their wonderful work. 

Photovoice in Architecture and Urban Planning: Photovoice projects create opportunities to integrate different types of knowledge (e.g., lived experience and architectural training), and to hear and consider the views of individuals from different backgrounds in a particular space and place. The presentations selected for this track share practical and conceptual tools that can support the exchange of experiences in different place-based architectural and planning situations. 

Photovoice as Critical Pedagogy: Photovoice as a form of critical pedagogy invites us into a dialogue about community issues, challenging life circumstances of disadvantaged groups of citizens and fast-changing environmental conditions. Two of the goals of this track are to 1) share scholarship that shows promise for photovoice in different disciplines and areas, particularly on the level of supporting participation and introducing an equity lens, and 2) engage in conversation about new critical, theoretical, and methodological strategies for photovoice.

Photovoice Methods and Application Innovations: The goal of this track is to share tools and lessons learned that expand the implementation of photovoice as a participatory methodology in diverse disciplines, sectors and community, and share creative ways findings can be used for structural and policy change.  

Photovoice as Research Justice Praxis: Our goal with the presentations selected for this track is to share practical and conceptual tools that can support community engaged participatory action research paradigms, as well as a decolonial feminist praxis that recognize the power, knowledge and collective action of communities or groups in struggle seeking to effect transformative justice and social change via photovoice. 

Photovoice in Health: Presentations in this track share practical and conceptual elements that can support change efforts and strengthen post-project action and outcomes in health, policy, and political action. A goal of this track is to inspire use of participatory visual methods more widely and act on the views and experiences of patients and front-line workers such as nurses, doctors, allied health practitioners and more.