Topic 8. 

The Art of Public Speaking: a Speech of Eloquence

Group Activity 8.1

• Work in pairs and discuss the questions:

- Why are public speaking skills so important? 

- How can they benefit individuals in various aspects of life?


Watch the video and analyze what makes a good/bad presentation. Note down the recommendations mentioned in the video.

Work in groups of three. 

Go to Webliography and choose a platform to make a mind map

Brainstorm your recommendations for effective public speaking and ideas about what makes a speech captivating.

Summarize your ideas making a mind map 'How to prepare for an OUTSTANDING public speech'. 

Present your mind maps to the class. Be ready to elaborate on your ideas and explain the rationale behind each included point.

Group Activity 8.2  Speaking (Presentation)

A skilled and experienced speaker is adept at persuasion. 

How to sound more persuasive? What persuasive techniques and rhetorical devices are you familiar with?

Brainstorm in pairs and share with the class. 

Go to the presentation below lo learn more about the art of persuasion:

Divide into groups of three. You are going to practice using the persuasive techniques and rhetorical devices we've discussed. 

Choose a scenario

1) You have been asked to speak to secondary and high school students and convince them of the importance of higher education;

2) You've launched a collaborative online course. Your task is to advertise it and convince your target audience that learning languages is not only interesting, but also great fun;

3) Your own suggestions. 

In groups, brainstorms ideas, outline key points, distribute the roles, create and rehearse your persuasive speeches based on the chosen scenarios.

You will have 10 min. to prepare.

You will have 3-5 min to speak. 

Listen to your groupmates. Be ready to evaluate their speech and provide your feedback (you may use your mind maps as a checklist for self- and peer-evaluation).

At the end of the task, we will vote for the best speaker (anonymously).  

Topic Assessment Activity 8.3 ‘Pecha-Kucha' Presentation

Have you ever heard of ‘Pecha-Kucha?’

Watch the videos and take notes of the key features of this format + useful tips.

In pairs, compare your notes

In pairs, discuss the questions:

Do you find this format effective? Why?

Would you like to practice in “Pecha-Kucha?

Imagine you have been invited to participate in a YouTube show as a speaker. The topic is 

‘The fascinating world of languages”. 

The requirements for the participation are the following: 

1) a presentation in the ‘pecha-kucha’ format (20x20);

2) a captivating linguistic topic to deliver.  

Choose a topic that genuinely interests you. 

Possible topics:

o   The secrets of learning a new language

o   Linguistic chameleon 

o   Language wars

o   Changing norms

o   The future of English

o   Nativism

o   World Englishes

o   How the language we learn shapes our mind

o   How the mind creates language

o   Bilinguism

o   Your own suggestions    

When delivering your presentation, don’t forget about the recommendations, persuasive techniques

and rhetorical devices  we’ve discussed - incorporate some of them into your presentation to make it more effective.

Assessment Criteria:

Communicative Achievement - 3 points max.

Oral Presentation - 3 points max.

Language - 3 points max.

Total: 9 points max.

Assessment Scale