Final Assessment

Final assessment specification

Your final exam comprises 2 main parts: 

Part 1.

Group Web-Project  

You are going to prepare and present a collaborative project devoted to ‘The 21st Century Learning”. This project aims to explore some modern educational trends and challenges in terms of the necessity for personal, academic and professional success in contemporary and future contexts.

Divide into groups. Each group should consist of 3-4 students. In groups:

1. Analyze the materials:


      2. Then, discuss and formulate the specific problem you would like to work on. 

Research, read and analyze several sources on the chosen problem;

      3. Work on the project. Bear in mind the requirements

The checklist* may help you fulfill them;

      4. Upload your project onto whichever platform you’ve chosen for your e-portfolio (go to Webliography) at least 72 hours before the day of the exam and send the link to our Google/Telegram chat in order to receive feedback from the instructor and groupmates.

      5. Choose a project posted by another group. Assess it according to the checklist*. Provide your feedback (remember the rules for giving constructive feedback from module 2).

    6. Having received the feedback from the instructor and your groupmates, you have some time to make final adjustments and then present your perfect product on the day of the exam.

The end result must be: an interactive multimedia visual presentation on Prezi/Genially/Powtoon, etc. (go to Webliography) + its oral group presentation.


Project requirements:

Group members: 3-4

Length: 10-20 min

The project must include:

-  the chosen problem, its relevance, the aim and objectives of the project;

-  analyzed sources of information (provided by the teacher + yours: a list + key takeaways) ;

-  necessary data/statistics/evidence-based argumentation;

-  your сreative, innovative proposal / solution to the problem + strong argumentation!

-  your conclusion + inspiring, insightful take-home message. 

Submission format: you must upload the presentation onto the chosen platform and send the link to the instructor.  

Presentation requirements:

-   no script reading;

-   concise, logical and consistent information presentation (12-15 slides);

-   visuals complement, illustrate what is being said and do not duplicate speech;

-   oral and written accuracy;

-   unified and consistent design style;

-   textually non-overloaded slides;

-   readable text (font - at least 18 for the main text, at least 24 for headings);

-   visual information (tables, graphs, diagrams, photographs, etc.) is used appropriately. 

Click here to find the assessment criteria for this part.

P.S. the best project will be published here afterwards!:)

Group Project checklist*

➪ Possible questions for reflection (in class)

(Copyright © 2011. 21st Century Learning Academy: A School at the Whitfield Career Academy. Used with permission. for more information go to:

Part 2.

Reflective essay

You are going to look back on your learning journey throughout the course, evaluate your overall progress and, based on this reflection, write an essay (350 – 500 words) with the aim of setting further learning goals and determining the trajectory for your future academic, professional and personal development. 

1.         Before starting to write:

Study the features of this genre (reflective writing) and analyze Gibb’s model of reflection.;

Make a plan for your essay, deciding what you are going to write about in each paragraph 

(for example, what you have expected to learn, what you have learned, what was the easiest/most difficult, how the course has influenced your perspectives and ambitions, aspects of personal growth, academic achievements, challenges, how you intend to use the skills and knowledge developed through the course in the future, etc.)

The course progress self-assessment checklist*  will help you do this part.

In addition, find attached some useful phrases for your reflection.


2.          In one of the paragraphs, think critically about your academic and personal aspirations, consolidate your learning outcomes and formulate a development plan, setting learning goals that will help you succeed both in your professional and private life. Outline the steps it will take to achieve the identified goals (this plan may include some strategies, resources, timelines, etc.).

The SMART goal template will help you do this part:

3.         Upload your essay onto whichever platform you’ve chosen for your e-portfolio at least 72 hours before the day of the exam and send the link to our Google/Telegram chat in order to receive feedback from the instructor and groupmates

Before the exam and final evaluation, you will have a chance to edit your essay based on the comments provided. Don’t forget about language accuracy before submission. 

Click here to find the assessment criteria for this part.

Check your progress

How to write SMART goals***

Check your language****

Useful phrases for describing progress and reflection**