Topic 2. 

AI and ChatGPT: Looming Education Prospects

Pair Activity 2.1 Reading and Discussion 

Read the article on ChatGPT and its implications for education.

   Individually, compose 3 questions that, to your mind, reflect the key ideas of the article.

Work in pairs. Ask each other your questions and discuss them. 

Group Activity 2.2 Role-play

 Divide into groups of three/four.

Within your group, represent your character's standpoint and try to come up with a solution to the problem given.

You’ll have 3 min. to prepare your viewpoint based on the assigned role.

You’ll have 10 min. to discuss the problem within your group and try to solve it altogether.


A student has been 'detected' and accused of having written his/her report by a chatbot.

He/ she is the only student at school who has employed the chatbot.

The student, his/her parent and the teacher are invited for a private conversation with the school principal.


Have you managed to reach any consensus


Topic Assessment Activity 2.3 Debate

Have you got any experience in participating in a debate? Are you familiar with the process?

What rules for conducting classroom debates do you know? 

Brainstorm in pairs. Put down your ideas. Share with the class. 

Work in pairs and discuss the questions:

Imagine you have been invited to participate in a round of debates at an international ELT student research conference. 

The motion is:

‘AI has the potential to revolutionize education for the better’.

Spin the wheel to get a role: 

the chair, the proposition team, the opposition team

Within your teams, prepare to take part in the debate.

Bear in mind the structure and the rules discussed.

Use the Useful phrases to help you.

Useful phrases: Debating

Assessment Criteria 

Communicative Achievement - 3 points max. 

Argumentation - 3 points max.

Fluency and coherence - 3 points max. 

Interaction: 3 points max. 

Language - 3 points max. 

Total: 15 points max.

Assessment Scale