

Posters are available for comment asynchronously throughout the conference.  Please peruse these posters and offer your feedback through the Comments link you will find on each poster. 

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Poster 1

Developing Preservice Teachers’ Cultural Competence with Children’s Literature

This study navigates the complexities of teacher education and diversity in children's literature, addressing state-wide adoption of Culturally Relevant Competencies during the current era of book-banning. The researchers created a paid undergraduate fellowship for underrepresented preservice teachers to develop cultural competence through critical analysis of diverse representation in children's literature. Employing a case study methodology, we explored fellowship participants' experiences analyzing and reflecting upon racial and ethnic identity, gender, sexuality, and disability in children's literature. Findings underscored participants’ journeys from reflection to advocacy. The study concludes with questions for future research and enhancing teacher preparation courses, particularly regarding disabilities.

McInnis, D., Manwiller, K., & Barry, D.P. (2024). Developing Preservice Teachers’ Cultural Competence with Children’s Literature. Poster Presentation for the NAECTE Virtual Summer Conference.

Daris McInnis, PhD

West Chester University of PA  

Katelyn Manwiller, MLIS

 West Chester University of PA,

David Barry, PhD

West Chester University of PA 

NAECTE Poster.McInnis Manwiller Barry.pdf

Poster 2

Self-advocacy & well-being: Missing links in Early Childhood Educator professional guidelines

Navigating ethical issues requires EC professionals understand their own emotional experiences, in relation to the diverse and dynamic needs of children and their caregivers, especially those with disabilities, marginalized identities and who have experienced trauma. In retooling our program, we cross coded 16 professional guidelines for 56 constructs related to well-being and self-advocacy. The rare use of these constructs suggests a need to critical consider how professional guidelines may undermine our efforts to prepare early childhood educators to “teach against the grain” in ways that are not only responsive, equitable, but also self-fulling (Danforth, 2017; Simon, 1992).

Anderson, S. & Taukiuvea, J. (June, 2024). Self-advocacy & well-being: Missing links in Early Childhood Educator professional guidelines. Poster presented at the biennial conference for the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators.

Sheila Anderson, Ph.D.

Weber State University

Anderson_Sheila.NAECTE_June 2023.poster.pdf

Poster 3

Culturally Responsive Literacy Practices in a Pre-Kindergarten Classroom - A Case Study 

This qualitative case study research investigates culturally responsive literacy practices that are enacted by the teachers in a laboratory prekindergarten classroom. The focus during the observations in the classroom setting would be on the teacher read-aloud activities and morning meetings that emphasize in building oral comprehension meaning-making. It is significant to

conduct an in-depth descriptive and interpretive case study to answer the research questions because prekindergarten may be the first setting in which children systematically face dominant sociocultural values and are expected to accept by and represent them. Children who are from culturally and ethnically diverse backgrounds are often expected to learn in different cultural contexts than those they have experienced in their families, homes, and communities. Some children are never exposed to the dominant culture and practices so prominently valued in schools prior to entering early education settings. Upon entering (pre)school, young children are often expected to immediately engage in cultural practices that may be different from those at home to be conceptualized as successful, ready, or capable. Therefore, I follow a constructivist approach within the culturally responsive pedagogy theoretical framework. I am in the quest to make sense, meaning, and understanding on how teachers engage or enact in culturally responsive literacy practices in a prekindergarten classroom. In this study, I am exploring multiple perspectives – the two teachers, children, theorists, and myself as the primary researcher"

Aradhya, D. (2024 June 10). Culturally Responsive Literacy Practices in a Pre-Kindergarten Classroom - A Case Study [Poster presentation], National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators Virtual Conference, United States.

Deeksha Aradhya, PhD Candidate

 University of South Florida 

Poster 4

Early Childhood Education Teachers' Perception of Play

Play is a critical component in early childhood education. In recent years there has been a shift away from play as a vital part of classroom procedure. This project looks at this loss from a grassroots level to gauge if educators experience this perceived loss within their classrooms and any contributing factors they identify as barriers to play in their classroom.

Kelcie Burke, MAEd

University of Nebraska at Kearney 

Dawn Mollenkopf, PhD

University of Nebraska at Kearney 

NAECTE Play Poster.pdf

Poster 5

Preparing Early Childhood Preservice and Inservice Teachers to Address DEIJ

We will share how we address Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) in Early Childhood Education courses via service learning projects, collaborative conference presentations, and reflective activities.

Fazio Brunson, M., Vigo, O., & Hailey, D. J. (2024). Preparing Early Childhood Preservice and Inservice Teachers to Address DEIJ. National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators.

Michelle Fazio Brunson, Ed.D.

 Northwestern State University of Louisiana 

Omar Vigo, Ph.D. candidate

Louisiana State University 

Debra Jo Hailey, Ph.D.

Northwestern State University of Louisiana 

NAECTE 2024 Poster Ethics 5-23.pdf
NAECTE 2024 Handout DEIJ Brunson.pdf

*Click image to view entire presentation*

Poster 6

Engaging Preservice Teachers in Reflective Practices Around Effective Teaching

This poster presentation will share preliminary findings from a qualitative study with early childhood undergraduate preservice teachers at a mid-sized state institute of higher learning. The study explores the relationship between undergraduates’ reflections on past academic experiences and their conceptualization of effective teaching practices.

Ellis, E. (2024, June). Engaging Preservice Teachers in Reflective Practices Around Effective Teaching. Poster presentation at the 2024 National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators Summer Conference (virtual). 

Emmaline Ellis, PhD

West Chester University 


Poster 7

Implications for Practice:  Building Ethical Understanding in a Sequential Curriculum

A degree plan for students majoring in Child and Family Studies at a 4-year accredited university includes 3 courses that must be taken in sequence with each course having a substantial assignment related to ethical conduct.  Each course has a critical thinking assignment, and each course builds on the other to help students develop a deeper understanding of ethical behavior in the workplace. In this program of study, these assignments are used to both assess individual student understanding and also to assess overall student learning objectives for the courses.

Hailey, D. J., Horton, J., Fazio-Brunson, M., & Hitt, L.  (2024, June). Implications for practice:  Building ethical understanding in a sequential curriculum [Virtual poster presentation]. National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators Summer 2024 Virtual Conference.

Debra Jo Hailey, Ph.D.

 Northwestern State University 

Jacqueline Horton, M.Ed.

 Northwestern State University 

Michelle Fazio-Brunson, Ed.D.

Northwestern State University 

Lacy Hitt, Ph.D.

Grambling State University    

NAECTESummer 2024 Ethical Understandings poster.DJHAILEY.pdf

*Click image to view entire presentation*

Poster 8

 EPP Assessment and Advancement of Early Childhood Teacher Candidates: Ethical Practice

In this session, presenters will discuss how EPP supports preparation of teacher candidates, scaffolding success for candidates in relation to INTASC Standard 9: Professional Learning and reflection for alignment to the Code of Ethics.

Hitt, L., Hailey, D. J., & Giddens, A.  (2024, June). EPP assessment and advancement of early childhood teacher candidates: Ethical practice[Virtual poster presentation]. National Association for Early Childhood Teacher Educators Summer 2024 Virtual Conference.

Lacy Hitt, Ph.D.

Grambling State University

Debra Jo Hailey, Ph.D.

 Northwestern State University   


*Click image to view entire presentation*

Poster 9

 Looking at inequality of PD and its accessibility to Infant/Toddler Teachers

Jung, J. (2024) Looking at inequality of PD and its accessibility to Infant/Toddler Teachers. NAECTE Summer 2024 Conference. Poster Presentation

Jeesun Jung, EdD

 Ohio University 

NAECTE Poster Presentation_Jung.pdf