Closing Remarks & Evaluation

⧫  [1:45-2:00 PM Pacific Time] ⧫ [ 2:45-3:00 PM Mountain Time] ⧫ [3:45-4:00 PM Central Time] ⧫ [ 4:45-5:00 pM Eastern Time]


NAECTE Summer 2024 Virtual Confrence Certificate of Completion, If you need a certificate, please download and sign your name. 


Please help us with your feedback by completing the evaluation form for the presentations you attended during the virtual conference today. 

You can access the Jotform evaluation for each breakout room by clicking here. Be sure to select the session and breakout room presentation you attended from the drop-down menu.

You can leave feedback for poster presentations by visiting the link under each poster presentation. A Google doc will open with a space for your feedback.

Feedback on the overall conference can be provided here 

Thank you for sharing your feedback - it helps us plan and facilitate the best conference possible.