USU delegation 

Taiwan, summer 2023

A group comprising 10 faculty members and 10 students from USU visited NCHU and other locations in Taiwan. This marked a significant visit since 2018 when 15 faculty members visited NCHU, setting a record.

official visits resumed

USU faculty met NCHU counterpart and its President-Elect, Dr. Jan (🧡 center) and the future Dean of Agriculture, Dr. Chen (far left). 

After a three-year hiatus due to COVID-19, the two universities have resumed their longstanding friendship and collaboration.

(tap to read more)

In May 2023, Utah State University (USU) students and faculty rekindled their relationship with National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) in Taiwan. Both the student team and the faculty team were able to achieve a number of remarkable milestones during this trip.

Faculty Visit:

The faculty team, which included some new members, interacted with NCHU faculty and administrators, exploring ways to expand the study abroad program between the two universities. They engaged in a fruitful discussion with the incoming NCHU President, Dr. Fuh-Jyh Jan, who expressed enthusiastic support for strengthening the partnership with USU. The faculty members also toured various departments, such as Food Science, Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine, the Language Center, and Engineering College, focusing on prospective collaborations in aviation, vet school exchanges, as well as the chocolate industry and cocoa farming.

In a special gathering on May 20th, the faculty team also engaged with USU alumni residing in Taiwan. Our students, as future alumni, were fortunate to witness this event, which marked the official launch of the Taiwanese alumni association of USU. An award was presented to Mr. Chen, the association's first distinguished alumnus, who generously donated $3,500 to support its launch. This event provided an exceptional opportunity for alumni to reconnect with the university and stay informed about USU's current endeavors.

Student Visit:

Our students were amazing during this trip. Their curiosity, enthusiasm, and resilience shone brightly throughout. A highlight was their deep dive into agricultural and lifestyle practices of Taiwan. They embarked on field trips, site visits, and partook in lectures by experts, food demonstrations, hiking adventures, and group discussions. These experiences exposed them to agricultural practices that influence Taiwan's diet and lifestyle. They visited production farms, including rice farms and gardens, explored regional food markets, and toured food production facilities. The natural beauty of Taiwan’s forests and lakes wasn’t missed either as they had the chance to travel and explore Central and Northern Taiwan.

Adding to the academic enrichment, the invaluable contributions of Andree Walker introduced them to the realm of Extension. Many students were previously unfamiliar with this facet of agriculture, but Andree's insights broadened their understanding and opened up potential new career paths – a bonus takeaway from the trip!

The students' itinerary was thoughtfully crafted as part of a unique study abroad program designed by Dr. "KJ" Chao, a faculty member at NCHU. This innovative program involved NCHU students planning experiences for our USU group, in close collaboration with our own instructor, Dora Brunson. The camaraderie between USU and NCHU students was palpable, and this program's success was underscored by the enduring bonds formed. We look forward to seeing these relationships flourish and evolve in the coming years.


After three years of paused collaboration due to the pandemic, our 2023 visit to Taiwan successfully reignited the partnership between USU and NCHU. These trips facilitated meaningful exchanges and advancements in various areas, all of which would not have been possible without the support of CAAS, Global Engagement, and iPACE (the Don J. Wang Foundation). We are eager to continue building on these foundations in the years to come.

major trip highlights

(click the image to view details)

Study Abroad Program - sponsored by Global Engagement and CAAS

Aviation Program Discussion - future student exchange for pilots in training

Cocoa Farm & Chocolate Industry - exchanging the sweets 

Animal Science & Veterinary - USU's vet school reaches an international arm

Taiwanese Alumni Event: Kickoff of the USU Alumni Association

Food Science Department - studying the yummy treats

Excursions and Experiences - outside the working days ;-)

Other collaborations initiated during this mission trip:

(tap the images to view details)

Language learning partnership

USU faculty invited to seminars

Aiming for Machine Learning

Lecture of fire-climate research

donate to sustain the usu-taiwan connection

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Utah State University
College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
1590 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-1590

Make checks payable to "Utah State University - Taiwan"


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webpage produced by Dr. Simon Wang