Day 3: Solutionaries

Wednesday - April 7

Community Meditation Practice (Optional )

Led by: Bill Penuel, University of Colorado-Boulder

National Academies Board on Science Education (NASEM) Coffee Talk

Community Networking Session Session Resources [Link]

9:30 - 9:45 am

Day 3 Welcome and Conference Announcements

Speaker: Kevin Anderson, President, Council of State Science Supervisors, (WI)

Session Resources [Link]

Solutionaries in Action

Speakers: Eugene 4J Climate Justice Team

Session Resources [Link]

10:20 - 10:50 am

Keynote: "A New Era is Unfolding"

Katie King, Vice President of Strategic Foresight, Knowledge Works

Session Resources [Link]

10:50 - 11:00 am

Community Break

11:00 - 12:30 pm

Learning Journey Breakout Sessions

Small Group Interactive Sessions

Tinkering and Maker Education

Presenter: Kylie Peppler, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, UC Irvine

Session Type: Learning Journey

Session Resources [Link]

Tinkering is the intersection of science, art, engineering, and technology. It is about using familiar materials in unfamiliar ways to create and “make” – individually or with friends and family – something that has meaning. This working definition of tinkering will be the catalyst for discussing ways educators can engage K – 12 grade youth in tinkering as a transformative learning experience. Researcher Kylie Peppler will anchor the facilitated discussion with insights gleaned from over a decade of research, open discussion, and hands-on activities. Get your tinfoil handy and join the discussion!

Justice-Centered Climate Science Learning

Presenter: Deb Morrison, University of Washington; Tim Swinehart, Lewis and Clark College; Sarah Stapleton, University of Oregon

Session Type: Learning Journey

Session Resources [Link]

Climate change is happening; however, impacts of and resilience to such change are not equal across all contexts. The idea of climate justice, the movement to define and address these differential impacts through specific policies and actions, is an area of great interest to youth and of increasing social importance to include in k-12 education. We will explore learning activities and resources to support ways for both educators and students to engage in justice-centered climate science learning. In addition, we will share resources to help educational leaders navigate the implementation of such learning across varied educational systems and community contexts.

Critical Approaches to Engineering Design in the Classroom

Presenters: Philip Bell, University of Washington, College of Education; Christopher G. Wright, Drexel University, College of Education; Veronica McGowan, University of Washington Bothell, School of Education Studies

Session Type: Learning Journey

Session Resources [Link]

Design is often instructionally presented as a socially neutral activity. Things get built to solve problems or to satisfy desires. In this session, we explore instructional approaches where students learn to relate engineering design to matters of social justice and power relations in society. Who benefits and who loses from engineering? Who decides what gets counted as engineering? How can students learn to design solutions for more just and equitable futures? The NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education provides room for a broad set of culturally inclusive images and justice-centered purposes for engineering design. Come explore these possibilities with us!

Exploring Global Competencies

Dr. Carol O'Donnell, Smithsonian Science Education Center; Katherine P. Blanchard, Smithsonian Science Education Center; Heidi Gibson, Smithsonian Science Education Center

Session Type: Learning Journey

Session Resources [Link]

The Smithsonian Science Education Center, attempting to empower the next generation of decision makers capable of making the right choices about the complex socio-scientific issues facing human society, blends together previous practices in Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE), Social Studies Education (SSE), Global Citizenship Education (GCE), and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). During this interactive session, we will connect with tools and resources to support this work, and consider opportunities for integration into K-12 science and engineering learning experiences. Come explore these possibilities with us!

Popping the Bubble (test): Exploring the Future of Assessment Systems in Science

Aneesha Badrinarayan, Learning Policy Institute; Sara Cooper, SPA-LC

Session Type: Learning Journey

Session Resources [Link]

Innovation in assessment requires a confluence of events: shifts in policy structures, new conceptualization of assessment instruments, and supportive implementation practices. In this session, participants will have the opportunity to dive into promising and cutting edge efforts along each of these pillars, discussing the implications for our work in creating systems of assessments for the future.

12:30 - 1:30 pm

Community Break

Day 3 Conference Reflections

Kevin Anderson, President, Council of State Science Supervisors (WI)

Session Resources [Link]

CSSS General Meeting (Members Only)

Kevin Anderson, President, Council of State Science Supervisors (WI)

Session Resources [Link]

CSSS Board Meeting (Board Only)

Optional Ad-hoc Committee Meetings