Payson Nile Club

Happy New Year !

We're looking forward to another year of being part of the Masonic family and doing whatever we can to make the lives of the children and their families a little more pleasant.

The month of January is the only time we take a break, but behind the scenes many of our Princesses are still sewing items to be sent to the hospitals. Several will be attending the Supreme Queen's visit on January 27th, at which time a new member for us will go through initiation, along with seven others joining Nile. We're also pleased we have several members receiving Legacy awards, as well as 25-year pins.

During our regular meeting, February 19th, we will follow the meeting with lunch and a few hours of working on various projects.

We would like to offer our congratulations to Roger Weber, Shriner of the Year, well deserved!

Was so nice to see Martha Ahrens out and about and the improvements she's making.

Continued well wishes for her and our other members, that have had the challenges of health issues.


Joan Christy, President

Officers for Year 2018 - April 2019, Meeting on 3rd Wednesday at 10:30am

Joan Christy, President - (928) 474- 9632 -

Marilyn Castleman, Secretary - (928) 474-5134 -