PGL 2017 Messages

President Sato, Kobe Gakuin University’s Message

PGL学会2017 神戸学院大学学長あいさつ

神戸学院大学学長 佐藤雅美







Vice President of Kobe Gakuin University’s Message

神戸学院大学 副学長(経営学部教授) 塩出 省吾


神戸学院大学も3年前にはまだD号館も完成しておらず、その後国際的活躍を目指す学生を育成するグローバル・コミュニケーション学部が創設され、他の既存学部にも国際色豊かな英語教育をするための神戸学院カレッジ、大学内にネイティブスピーカーによる英語オンリーの環境を提供する英語村(English Plaza 愛称いーぷら)など国際化に向け大きく変化しました。この国際化に向けた取り組みはPGLと同期して今後も発展を続けていこうとしております。



ご挨拶:Peace as a Global Language 学会の開催を祝して

神戸学院大学 経営学部長 田中 康介

この度、Peace as a Global Language 学会が神戸学院大学ポートアイランドキャンパスにて開催されます事を、心よりお慶び申し上げます。当学会は、京都で初めて開催されて以来、近年では東アフリカでも開催され、今回で17回目を迎えましたが、その間、様々な分野で活躍されている学者、研究者、実務家、学生等の経験や考察を通じて、国際平和のための議論が展開されて参りました。



International Exchange Center of Kobe Gakuin University

Administrative Director: Yoshihiro Kobata

I am so honored to be able to hold Peace as a Global Language 2017 Conference here in Kobe Gakuin University’s Port Island Campus.

Ever since its founding in 1966, Kobe Gakuin University has been committed to promoting international exchange with the aim of developing human resources with an international perspective. To date, the University has established international partnership agreements with 44 universities in 14 countries and has a solid track

record in faculty interaction, student exchanges and sending students to study abroad, short-term overseas training and the sharing of scientific documentation, etc. In addition, we provide an English language institution “E-pura” (English Plaza) and various international events in order to get our students learn the importance of cross-cultural understanding and international exchange.

Many undergraduate students could participate in today's conference. The conference includes many presentations and poster sessions provided by the students belonging to the universities in Kansai area. The conference is indeed international so that the students participated in could get the fruitful results. I am confident that they could deepen their multi-cultural understanding and recognize the importance of international exchange.

Finally I would like to convey my sincere appreciation to be able to have such a valuable conference for all participated students here in KGU.


事務部長 小畑 佳弘

PGL 2017 Conferenceを本学のポートアイランドキャンパスで開催できますことを大変光栄に存じます。

本学は1966年の創立以来、「国際的視野に立つ人材の育成」を目指し、国際交流に注力しています。現在までに14ヵ国44大学と交流協定を結び、教員の交流、学生の長期留学、短期海外研修、学術資料の交換などに実績を挙げています。また、英語学習施設い~ぷら(English Plaza)や各種イベントを通して、学生の異文化理解、国際交流を推進しています。

本日のPGL 2017 Conferenceは、関西地域の学部学生によるプレゼンテーションやポスターセッションも予定されている学生参加型の国際学会です。学生が自ら参加することで、学生の異文化理解が深まるとともに、国際交流の重要性を認識できることと確信しています。

学生にとって多くの学びを得ることができるPGL 2017 Conferenceを本学で開催していただけることに心より感謝を申し上げます。

Message from the City of Kobe’s Africa-Kobe Liaison Officer

Rapid economic growth, better business enabling environment and improved capacity to overcome challenges in Africa are some the progress lines which attracts different interest groups for trade and invest. Evidently, these growing interests are also observed in many Japanese enterprises. In May 2016, Kobe City delegation visit to `Rwanda as a gateway to Africa` is one of the efforts paved the ground for stronger cooperation and partnership. In this visit, Kobe City and Kigali City Mayors signed a “Joint Declaration for Partnership” statement to strengthen cooperation on ICT between both cities.

This and other ongoing efforts were made possible through collaboration with institute, government offices and different stakeholders. Promoting city administration interest to support companies located in Kobe city through facilitating seminar, business matching and organizing official business mission to assess business potential and make informed decision to do business in Africa are some of the activities considered.

Clearly, concerted efforts with different stakeholders and continued support of Kobe city will strengthen cooperation and increase economic exchange between Kobe and Africa. Finally, such kind of conference and events are important to create common understanding with different groups including, student, academic staffs, government officials and company representatives on issues pertinent to both Africa and Japan.

Hasen Keder Edris

Africa-Kobe Liaison OfficerNew Industry Group

Message from the Organising Committee

In our increasingly interconnected global village, where we live in close proximity to people from different backgrounds, creeds, genders, ethnicity, orientation and ages, many questions remain, but conflict management is a critical aspect that needs to be explored and debated. How should we work toward solving issues that divide our communities, both at the local and international levels? How can we work together to achieve better ties for all, despite the multifaceted challenges that everybody faces on a daily basis? This year’s conference will explore and discuss these topics on several unfortunate anniversaries; the 20th anniversary of Rwanda and the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War 1. With the above in mind, we cordially invite scholars, teachers, peace activists, students and members of the community interested in these issues and more to join us in the first weekend of December in the seaside campus of Kobe Gakuin University’s Port Island campus for discussion, debate and contemplation, and to come together to realize our potential as co-inhabitants of a shrinking planet. Looking forward to welcoming you to PGL 2017.

PGL 2017 Organizing Committee:

Richard Miller, Conference Chair

Michael Parrish, Conference Vice Chair

Mike Greisemer Local Liaison University Site Chair, Programming Chair, Finance Coordinator

Zane Ritchie, Executive Organiser, Conference Organiser, Publicity, University Arrangements

Michael Boyce, Conference Web Person

Andy Sowter, Kansai Assistant

Mika Yoshii, Student Volunteer Organiser

PGL Conference Compere Marie Rose Ishiguro

PGL Conference Master of Ceremony, Mirei Mizowaki