Can You Go Home?

Can You Go Home?

Wednesday - April 22nd - 2015.  Partial move today,  I left Alabama at 4AM and drove the U-Haul nonstop to Ashland - about 550 miles.   Needed to get through Nashville before the morning rush hour because I feel a little shaky about driving this big of a truck.  It has taken some getting used to, especially the blind spot on the right side.  After about 200 miles I noticed myself getting a little too aggressive and made a conscious effort to rein in my confidence.  I had expected to stop and nap at a rest stop in Kentucky but had no trouble staying awake and made the trip nonstop except for two refueling stops and a rest room break.  The good part was that this put me in Ashland by 3PM.   I broke down and hired a two-man crew to load my 15,000+ cargo of books yesterday.   I'm too old for that kind of thing,  especially when coupled with doing the driving.  I have another two man crew scheduled to come down from Elyria at 10AM tomorrow to do the unloading, then the next day it is back to Alabama.

It was a rush to get into the truck in the predawn darkness and begin this adventure.  Scary stuff,  I keep reminding myself that I did essentially the same thing 12 years ago when I moved from Oxford, Ohio to Bowling Green, Kentucky to begin my two years of video production classes. 

It is very cold here,  but I rescheduled the trip for a clear day and this time of year those tend to come the day after a cold front has passed through.  Unfortunately it is too cold for me to walk around the old neighborhood so my feelings about being back are not as intense as I had hoped they would be.  Instead of going out I have done a small amount of unloading and am reading a Lois McMaster Bujold fantasy paperback which has me pretty engaged.  Which is a good thing because thinking about the implications of this relocation can quickly send me into anxiety attack territory.