Telde - Spain

Partners - Spain - Telde

IES Valle de los Nueve Telde - Spain


IES Valle de los Nueve is a high school with 23 teachers and 185 students, located in a rural area in the city of Telde, Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. Due to the fact that the school is placed in a rural environment, families have a medium socio-economical and cultural status. The school advocates for social inclusion and the integration of students with difficulties; in the school there are pupils with different learning difficulties who are integrated with other students in their groups. Moreover, many projects are developed in the school in order to supplement existing studies. These projects involve a lot of students and they are related to matters and values such as solidarity, gender equality, and sustainability. Thanks to the development of these projects, the school can contribute to the Erasmus+ project the acquired experience of its staff in designing, organizing, and implementing integrated activities. In addition, it can collaborate with local and regional institutions in order to design and carry out tasks, and the facilities of the school such as laboratory and computer rooms can be used to complete some of the activities of the Erasmus+ project.


For years, Spain has been plagued by an economic and job crisis that has deeply affected its citizens. This project will make a difference not only to students but also to communities. It is innovative because it comes from a real need and the schools main goal is to focus on various aspects related to how to educate and prepare our students to face the challenge of a future academic or employment path that best suits their needs.

Besides, as the social and economic level of its students and their families is medium-low, the school will have the opportunity to study different methods and paths to provide its students with appropriate skills and competences, as well as to guide them towards academic and professional careers that help them to advance, gain autonomy and become self-sufficient. Participating in this project will also help the school develop some of the objectives contained in the Spanish curriculum: To value and respect the equality of rights and opportunities for all people. To foster entrepreneurship, self-confidence, critical sense, and the capacity for taking decisions and assuming responsibilities. To be able to understand and express oneself in a foreign language. To get to know and respect others ́ cultural and historical aspects.


Ramírez Trujillo Clara Isabel and Gonzáles Martín María Iliane, have experience in Erasmus+ and one other European program. Besides, the staff engaged will be selected based on their collaborative, dynamic, communicative and decisive profile as well as based on their commitment to the project and their experience in other projects. In case any of these people abandon the project, a commission created to select the participants will open a new selection process to fill these vacancies.

Gran Canaria Island


The school

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.