Young Entrepreneurs

The Future of Europe

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About the project

Unemployment in Europe is high and many young people can expect an uncertain future with difficulties of getting into the labour market unless they are able to create job opportunities for themselves. But, what are the difficulties that we have to face? The lack of specific skills, lack of inspiration and motivation and a school curriculum neglegting employability and entrepreneurial training in favor of theorretical knowledge with little or no practical exsperience. We as schools have an obligation to equip our students so that they can create employment opportunities for themselves as well as for others and contribute to economic growth. This is done, thanks to this project, through an entrepreneurial approach consisting in lessons, workshops, competitions and company visits aimed at creating the right conditions to promote the sense of initiative and self-entrepreneurship. Moreover, the young Europeans will act in an international environment so they will be able to compare the different managerial approaches and business culture and develop the soft skills, so important to enter the current labour market.


- To introduce our students to the world of entrepreneurship in an international context.

- To provide them with the knowledge and skills for entrepreneurial success so that they can turn ideas into actions and create jobs for themselves and for others.

- To teach important so called 21st century skills.

- To teach specific tools e.g. how to set up an e-commerce.

- To exchange best practices in the field of entrepreneurship training, through observation, discussion, and through a company simulation.

- To improve the English language and the use of ICT.

Partner Schools

- ProCivitas Privata Gymnasium AB, Malmö, Sweden (Coordinator)

-Istituto Tecnico Industriale S. Cannizzaro, Catania, Italy

- Liceul Teoretic “Aurel Lazar”, Oradea, Romania

- IES Valle de los Nueve, Telde, Spain


- An international e-learning manual for entrepreneurship including a section on how to set up an ecommerce by the CMS Content Management System.

It will include an example of a national company for each partner as well as an example of an international company.

It will also contain instructions on how to write a successful Europass CV.

The manual will guide and facilitate for both trainers and users in the process of setting up a business.

- An e-guide about customs and habits in the business world of each country necessary when preparing to work internationally

- A glossary of technical business words related to the setting up of a business.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.