Malmö - Sweden

Partners - Sweden - Malmö

ProCivitas Privata Gymnasium AB Malmö



ProCivitas Malmö (PCM) is an Upper secondary school with 630 students ages 16-19 and a staff of 35 teachers. ProCivitas offers three-year university preparatory programmes, Social science, Natural science, and Business&Entrepreneurship. An entrepreneurial approach is one of the schools cornerstones and runs through all programmes. Average grades are among the highest in the country and 90% will attend a university program within three years of finishing ProCivitas. We also have an elite profile in sports.


When founded in 2002, PCM mainly attracted a homogenous group of well situated, high achieving students in the close vicinity. Today, ambitious young people travel from all over our region and from various social and cultural backgrounds. Although school results are comparatively high students tell of an increasing anxiety since they realize that even with good school results the future is uncertain. This, combined with lack of inventiveness and resourcefulness result in lack of self reliance. In order to change the trend and keep students motivated, install confidence and a sense of being well prepared, more entrepreneurship and project management is being introduced in the curriculum and the school is especially looking to establish contact with other schools internationally to learn and to exchange good examples since the phenomenon of decreasing student motivation is found in many places in Europe and elsewhere.


Key People will be Lena Sundin and Åsa Götze, Business Coordinators, who are responsible for the schools mentorship program, for collaboration with the surrounding business community, and student counselling. They also work as business advisors to the student entrepreneurs and teach on the entrepreneurship courses. Through their extensive network they are able to add "the real world" to the Erasmus+ project e.g. company visits, lectures by successful entrepreneurs, and visits to company incubators. Business people and other experts will also be involved to ensure the relevance of details in the project. Other colleagues prepared to continue the work: Ann Linderoth, Headmistress, with relevant experience in project management in a school environment. Niklas Karlsson, head teacher in Business administration and Entrepreneurship and with extensive experience international business. Per Nilsson, teacher of Business law and Organization&Leadership, with good experience from running Comenius projects.


We are new to Erasmus+ and have therefore consiously chosen very experienced partners for the project, partners that welcome the possibility of sharing their experience. We are in this to learn! Our long experience from working with entrepreneurship in a structured program will be very valuable in the project as will our extensive network. Our expertise in running a mentoring program for young students is something we will share as a means of raising motivation and increase preparedness for the future.


Grand Stand 2018

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.