Site Information


The Central High School Auditorium has a proscenium stage with an apron and a covered orchestra pit. The proscenium opening is 42' wide and masking legs hang stationary (dead hung) at 30' wide. The apron is 17' deep to the grand drape. The stage is 22' deep from the grand drape to the cyclorama and back traveler. All curtains fly, travelers travel to the full stage openings, and legs may be clipped back for a wider opening at the director's desire. Because of the depth of the apron, schools may set/strike with the grand drape open.


The lights are preset for twenty areas according to the light plot diagram. Due to the lighting system, Directors MUST fax or email lighting cue sheets to be pre-loaded in the lighting control board per the instructions above. Due to the lighting system, areas cannot be run manually. Please email Tre John at Tre.john@kellerisd.net with any questions. The cue sheets must list area, level, and speed of each cue. You may program or adjust your cues during your rehearsal time and there will be a house technician to assist. A red, blue, and green general color stage wash will be available covering the stage and apron. The cyclorama will have a red, blue, and green color wash. The light booth is located in the back of the house. Headsets with access to stage left and stage right will be available.


You must email your light cues to Tre John (tre.john@kellerisd.net) no later than April 6. The cue sheets must list area, level, and speed of each cue. A sample template is located on the UIL website. You will receive an email confirmation that your cues have been received.


There is a single disc, standard .CD player, and mp3 player capabilities available for your use located in the light booth. You may bring your own portable system to be used backstage. Electrical outlets are indicated on the stage drawing with an "E.”


Your items will be stored in the shop area. This is the area is upstage center indicated on the diagram as "door to shop". All companies will be able to move their items to the door. The 7minute set up will begin from that location.

Strike off the stage will be out the rolling door to the shop. It is preferred that each school load out props and scenery to the bus/truck immediately following the performance, if possible.

Please clear dressing rooms immediately following the last show's performance.


Each school will have a dressing area assigned for their use during the contest located in close proximity to restrooms. The dressing room can be used as a warm-up space. Please keep and leave the dressing room clean and neat at all times.


All elements of the UIL Approved Basic Unit Set will be available. You should plan to bring door/window units, scenic or hand properties, costumes, and make-up.


Trophies/plaques will be presented to the two advancing plays and the alternate play.

Individual medals will be given to best actor and actress (2), all-star cast (8), honorable mention (8), best technician and technical crew. The critique is a very important part of the OAP process. Please be courteous, attentive, and receptive towards the judge and other casts. The critiques will be given according to geography with the farthest school 'being first. The two advancing shows will be critiqued last.


All visitors and observers may park beside the tennis courts. There will be $10 admission fee for audience members.

All cell phones must be turned off during the performances.