On Fait les Courses

On fait les courses

Online shopping - Carrefour is one of the largest French supermarket chains.  Make a shopping list of 5 items you need to buy for dinner for 4 and see if you can stick to a budget of €25

Compare prices with another huge French supermarket chain  Auchan

Presentation - Food Shops

Quizlet - Les Magasins - getting to know the shops

ACHETER - to buy (irregular - ER verb) - memorise

Languages Online - Second Year Learning - On fait du shopping Ex 1-4 - to practise Acheter


French To Go 2 p10-11 Talking about a specific amount

Education Perfect - Quantities

Nonsense Quantities - Rewrite the quantities so that they make logical sense

Wordwall game - some additional quantity words

Languages Online - Second Year Learning - On fait du shopping Ex 5-10  to practise quantities

Note-  the French use LE / LA / or LES to say the cost per kilo,  eg) 2 euros le kilo

Education Perfect - Buying Food

Video - Partitive article and Specific quantities

Grammar Focus - PARTITIVE ARTICLE  Languages Online Second Year Learning Ex 1-5

Languages Online - Second Year Learning - On fait du shopping- Ex 9-10 Reading Comp

The Perfect French Short Stories - 21. Au Supermarché

Video - Watch the video called Blagues de Toto  and see if you get the joke

Board Games - On fait des courses - On Achète

Au Marché

French To Go 2 p7-10 Talking about some / any

Video - Conversation at the market

Podcast - Au Marché

Education Perfect 2.3 Reading Text 10

Find out when the French hold markets and how popular they are

Role-play buying fruit and vegetables at a market

Video - Au Marché - Chanson (Henri Dès) 

Papeete, Tahiti

Paris, France

Sénégal, Afrique

À la boulangerie / pâtisserie

Podnimescast - À la Boulangerie 

Video - Un peu de culture #2 Les Croissants (Alice Ayel)

Video - Un peu de culture #3 La Boulangerie (Alice Ayel)

Faire les Courses

Education Perfect -  2.3 - Listening Text 6 - then 1-7

Education Perfect - 2.4 - Reading Texts 1-6, 9 

Education Perfect - 2.6 Speaking