2. Mon Collège


In this unit you will learn how to:

Comment vas-tu à l'école?

Linguascope - Beginners - La Vie Au Quotidien - Les Transports

Quizlet - Les Moyens de Transport

Education Perfect - Les Moyens de Transport (means of transport)

ALLER - Learn the 6 forms of this common irregular verb

Discuss in pairs how you get to school 

Giving opinions about means of transport


Qu'est-ce que tu fais comme matières?

 Video - pronunciation of the school subjects    

Linguascope - Beginners - La Vie au Quotidien - Les Matières                                                   

French To Go 1 p44 - Subjects

Quizlet - practise school subjects

Education Perfect - Les Matières scolaires

Pictionary - draw and guess / Charades - mime and guess

ÉTUDIER (to study) - memorise the conjugation - EP practice

Kahoot - étudier

APPRENDRE + le, la, l', les - EP practice

FAIRE  + du, de la, de l', des  - extension - EP practice

Presentation - Faire du ... - extension - Work in pairs to do the translation on slide 5

Quizlet - school subjects + étudier, apprendre and faire

Blooket - étudier, apprendre, faire

L'Emploi du Temps

Study the French timetable below. What differences do you notice to your timetable?  How many subjects do they do? 

Compare your timetable with that of others in your class and with the French students' timetable

Mon Emploi du Temps - fill in your timetable in French

Education Perfect - talking about the school day - En première heure / en deuxième heure / en troisième heure / en quatrième heure / en cinquième  heure (en dernière heure)

Presentation - Emploi du Temps

Information gap pair oral activity - Fill in the missing information on the timetable 


Les Jours de la Semaine

Education Perfect  - the days of the week

Song to revise the days of the week


Linguascope - En Plus - L'Horloge Interactive - to review time

Education Perfect - telling the time

Quizlet - Quelle heure est-il?  / Blooket

 Kahoot - 12 hour time /  24 hour time

Baamboozle - Quelle heure est-il? - in two teams

French To Go 1   p48-50 Ex 1-3 Time

French to Go 2 p15 - p17 Telling the Time

Dominos - L'Heure

Learning Apps - Time

Tu aimes les sciences?

Chanson - Les matières

French To Go 1 p45-7 Likes and Dislikes

Kahoot / (Teacher link)

Education Perfect -  how to give your opinion of certain subjects with supporting reasons

Tricolore 1 p98-99

Give your opinion of subjects  using j'aime / je n'aime pas ... parce que je pense que c'est ... PARCE QUE ...


Discuss in groups what you think of your subjects, which are your favourite and which are your least favourite

Education Perfect - Beginners Unit 8 Liking and Disliking school subjects - Listening  and Reading

Match-up Exercise about school subjects and opinions 

Education Perfect - Beginners Unit 8 Liking and Disliking school subjects - Writing and Speaking

Key Vocab

C'est intéressant - It's interesting

C'est ennuyeux - It's boring

C'est amusant - It's fun

C'est difficile - It's hard

C'est facile - It's easy

C'est utile - It's useful

C'est inutile - It's not useful

Le prof est sympa / gentil - The teacher is nice

Le prof est stricte - The teacher is strict

Il y a trop de devoirs - There's too much prep

Je suis forte / bonne en ... - I'm good at ...

On fait un tour du collège?

Presentation of Woodford campus

Education Perfect -  describe the places around our school

Il y a  / Il n'y a pas de - memory game adding on what places there are in the school

UN - UNE - DES - a / some

NOTRE / NOS - our


Adjectives are really useful to help you describe the buildings and places at school.

Brainstorm any adjectives you can think of which describe places around the school (Mentimeter)

Video - ADJECTIVES - masculine and feminine forms


Write 10 sentences in French saying what buildings we have at the college and using an adjective to describe each one - eg) Il y a une grande piscine.  (Nous avons = we have)  Notre gymnase est moderne

Quizizz - Au Collège

Chasse aux trésors - find your way around the school looking for clues

Que fais-tu pendant la récré?

Brainstorm activities you do at Woodford 

Education Perfect - how to say what you do during break times at school

Presentation Read what others have written about our school

ÉCRIRE - (to write) an example of an - RE verb (irregular)

LIRE  - (to read) / DIRE (to say, tell) other irregular RE verbs

Bamboozle - écrire, lire, dire

Linguascope Beginners - L'Alimentation - Les Snacks

Speaking practice - talking about what you do during interval (sentence builder)

Interview each other to see who has the most interesting break and on which day

Write about what you do during break times at school

Quizlet - Une journée au collège (extension - focus on ON- we)

Task: Padlet Timeline - Class padlet about a typical school day

Comment est ton école?

Interview about your school.  Practise discussing your opinion of school with a classmate

Watch the video on the left.  Find the words in the gaps as you listen. 

Video about Woodford 2018

Mon Uniforme Scolaire

Quizlet / Blooket

Describe what you are wearing today at school

Education Perfect  - saying what you think about school uniform

Positive or Negative opinions?

Give an opinion about your uniform

Intercultural Reflection

Education Perfect - French Schools

French To Go 1 p52 Culture

Quizlet  School timetable (le collège / le lycée / les noms des classes)

Read about the Education System in France



Interview - Practise with these questions

Writing Summative test