4. On Mange!


In this unit you will learn how to:

Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger?

Linguascope - Beginners - L'Alimentation - Les Fruits / Les Légumes / Les Snacks

MANGER - (to eat) and BOIRE - to drink, examples of an -ER and -RE verb pattern

Quizlet - manger - boire - learn, then play Quizlet Live

Education Perfect - Beginners Unit 6.7A MANGER

Education Perfect - Beginners Unit 6.7B BOIRE

Review AIMER / ADORER / PRÉFÉRER / DÉTESTER - verb endings

Verb Dice

Education Perfect - Beginners Unit 6.1 Introduction 

Tricolore 1 p116   Tu aimes ça? - Je n'aime pas ça

Education Perfect - Les Fruits et les Légumes

How are the French mealtimes different to ours?  Find out about the mealtimes and what is typically eaten.

Qu'est-ce que tu prends au petit déjeuner?

Linguascope - Beginners -  L'Alimentation- Le Petit Déjeuner 

Quizlet - Le Petit Déjeuner 

Tricolore 1 p112 Le Petit Déjeuner

Jamboard - Picture talk

PRENDRE - irregular RE verb

Languages Online Unit 9 Ex 26-28 Prendre

Lunch is the main meal of the day in France.  Schools offer a hot meal in the cafetaria and lunch break can last up to 2 hours.  Some businesses close and people go home to eat if they can.  If not, they work 'la journée continue' and will grab 'un sandwich' baguette-style. At home it may be a three-course meal with entrée, plat et dessert.

Le Déjeuner et le Dîner en France

Video - Un peu de culture #5 Le jambon-beurre

Reading - Antoine mange à la cantine

Language Gym - Unit 12 Listening and reading 


Grammar Focus - SOME

Education Perfect - Beginners - Unit 6.7c ARTICLES

Languages Online - First Year Learning - Unit 9 Meals Ex 20 + 25

Education Perfect - Beginners - Unit 6.3 Listening Comprehension 

Education Perfect - Beginners - Unit 6.4 Reading Comprehension

French cheeses - eaten after the main course and BEFORE dessert, never with crackers, but always with bread

Tricolore 1 p110-111 - Un repas typique (Running Dictation)

Podcast - Meals in France  - Fill in the gaps

Video - Un peu de culture #9 Les Repas (Alice Ayel)

Virtual Exchange Task  with Empatico 😋 Les 10 plats les plus populaires de NZFlip link

Writing - Un dîner fantastique pour la Fête des Pères.

Dimanche c'est la Fête des Pères et je vais préparer un dîner fantastique pour mon père.  D'abord je vais ...  

Write the next sentence on mini whiteboards to continue the story.  Vote as a group for the best sentence and then copy that into your exercise book.  Continue until the story is written.

La Pizza vs La Pissaladière

Les Crottes de ChavignolOne of more than 1,000 varieties of cheese in France.

Le Goûter 

What is le goûter?

Les Repas

Padlet - Create an informative class presentation of a typical day's meals with visuals and voice commentary.

Click here to see our presentation from 2018 about meals

Tricolore p113 Les Repas en France

Studio 2 p72-3 A table tout le monde!


Livre - La Leçon de Chocolat

French Chit-Chat avec Dylane

Écrivons une histoire ensemble

Mini tableaux - finis les phrases.  On va choisir nos favoris pour développer l'histoire.

Une personne va taper l'histoire.

À Table!

Crockery and cutlery / Memory game

Linguascope - Alimentation - Les Ustensiles de cuisine

Tricolore 1 p117 Ex 4 A Table! Roleplay

French To Go 2 p11-13 Offering, Declining, Accepting, Requesting p14 A table en France, 

Quizlet -Conversation at the meal table

Table etiquette

Roleplay - write and act out a conversation at the meal table with your host family

When you are speaking in a foreign language you need lots of strategies to help you cope with understanding the spoken language, which is always difficult.

Study these strategies 


Listening summative test