Make and Create

With the time at home you have time to create! Teach yourself a new skill, hobby or just try something you have never done before!

Do You Like Puzzles?

I had so much fun doing this online puzzle program. click the link below.


One of my favorite and most popular classes is solving the Rubik's Cube. Learning to solve the cube is a fun thing to do and can help you learn to work at something even when it may seem frustrating. This site has all the resources you need to begin to learn the cube. It is the one I use in my class. The videos are very helpful.

Make a Mural!

I found this great site that shows you how to make a mural.

It uses things you may already have at home!

They use inexpensive drop-cloths from the hardware store. I am sure you could also use an old bed sheet too! If you make one please take a picture and send it to me and I'll post it here!

Simple Art with every day objects!

This video shows you how to make art with a fork.