Visual Arts

Central Idea - Arts provide us with the opportunity to express, extend and appreciate our imagination.

Big Idea: Sketching

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Expressing through art/sketching

  2. History of Sketching and famous artists

  3. My responsibility towards the preservation of Artforms

Big Idea: Art Forms

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Visual arts and its types

  2. History and geography of the art form

  3. My responsibility towards preserving it

Big Idea: Paintings

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Explore different types of paintings

  2. Inquire into meanings of colours

  3. Our responsibility in preserving paintings

Big Idea: Mandala Art

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. History of Mandala Art

  2. Various types of Mandala art

  3. My responsibilty to preserve the Mandala art

Big Idea: Animation

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Different types of animations

  2. Change in animation over time

  3. Use of animation to create awareness on global issues

Big Idea: Visual Arts

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Elements of visual arts

  2. Types of visual arts

  3. My responsibility

Big Idea: Arts

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Art has the power to make me happy

  2. Sketching to touch lives

  3. My responsibility to preserve the art

Big Idea: Arts

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Creativity and talent are interdependent on each other

  2. Imagination and talent makes you successful in art

  3. My responsibility towards preservation of art forms

Big Idea: Art

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Exploring different art made from natural materials

  2. Impact of art on our surroundings

  3. Our responsibility towards creating and preserving art

Big Idea: Visual Arts

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Elements of visual arts

  2. Types of visual arts

  3. My responsbility

Big Idea: Sketching

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Sketching to express myself

  2. Research on famous artists of the world

  3. My responsibility towards preservation of Sketching as art from

Big Idea: Mandala Art

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. History and evolution of Mandala Art

  2. Similarities of Mandala art with other art forms

  3. Our responsibility in preserving the art form

Big Idea: Arts

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. What was the beginning of Arts like

  2. The Different Art Styles and their history

  3. How people can continue to remember and use the older styles of Art

Big Idea: Art

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. History of Art

  2. Sketching to express myself

  3. My responsibility towards preservation of Art

Big Idea: 3D Modelling

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Uses of physical 3d modelling products in everyday life

  2. How 3 d modelling has chaged over the period of time

  3. Our responsibility in using this art for betterment of humanity

Big Idea: Arts

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Art to express myself creatively and imaginatively

  2. Famous artists of the world

  3. My responsibility towards Art

Big Idea: Realistic Drawings

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. History of realistic drawings

  2. Realistic drawing can change life of animals

  3. My responsibility

Big Idea: Recyclable material for crafts

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Types of recyclable materials used for crafts/arts

  2. Innovative ways of using recyclable materials in crafts

  3. My responsibity

Big Idea: Visual Arts

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Elements of visual arts

  2. Types of visual arts

  3. My responsbility

Big Idea: Visual Art

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. The different kinds of visual arts

  2. Famous visual artists of the world

  3. Our responsibility to preserve the pieces of art

Big Idea: Earth & Art forms

Lines Of Inquiry:

  1. Expressing through art to save the Earth

  2. Sketching imaginative super heroes

  3. My responsibility towards the Earth and Art forms


Yunus Shaikh

V.Arts Specialist

Shalom Kurisingal

V.Arts Specialist

Shivangi Dixit

V.Arts Specialist